Leeann Matthews
3 min readApr 19, 2017

Top Tips For Marketing #2 February 2017:

Do you realise that marketing can be just like dating?

Keep these 6 points in mind the next time you meet a client and perhaps it will be the start of a beautiful friendship!

1. Always look your best

You and your brand need to send a powerful visual message about who you are and what you are capable of. So will you impress them or disappoint? Do you look like financial management is your core competency? Is the ‘tailoring’ of your company logo, brochure, business card or website as sharp as your suit? It’s all up to you. Make sure you are inspiring your client’s confidence.

2. Don’t come on too strong

You often need to talk with clients about difficult subjects such as death, sickness, business issues etc., but don’t make the mistake of coming on too strong. You’re not the grim reaper! Arm yourself with lots of positive stories about how your work helped and supported clients in their difficult moments and the ‘hard’ sell will become much more palatable.

3. Remember it’s less about you. More about them

You can’t build a relationship with someone you rarely see and don’t understand, so ‘romance’ your clients on a regular basis. Show them that you understand their situation and concerns by sending information that might appeal to them. Ensure you don’t forget details by keeping simple (electronic), dated client records and assign a morning every quarter to updating and reviewing these records so that you can take advantage of any opportunity to up-sell.

4. Show some personality

Lets face it, financial institutions have made a fine job of making financial management difficult, complicated and confusing — but you don’t have to follow their lead. As an advisor it’s your job to de-mystify all the jargon and fear so don’t ‘copy & paste’ their material into your company collaterals (website, articles, brochure, etc.). Build trust with your client base by humanising content, show your personality and concentrate on the financial outcome rather than the journey.

5. Adapt

The bar scene works for some people to get dates. Others prefer to find their match at work, online, or pursuing hobbies. Everyone is different. If you’re looking to find new ‘dates’ then take a look at your past success, and start there. Get some help and take an impartial look at your current client list…how did they become clients, why are they happy, might they refer you, etc., and then come up with a strategy to replicate this with new clients. Test the strategy over the course of a month / quarter and adjust it if results aren’t forthcoming.

6. Leave them wanting more.

From websites to blogs, tweets to newsletters, leave something to the imagination. Give your prospects valuable information when and where it’s appropriate, and give them a reason and an easy way to get in touch.

Here’s to continued ‘dating’ success.

Happy Valentines!