What all “The Buzz” is About: The Lee Clarion Gets an App

Lee Clarion
3 min readMar 30, 2017


The Lee Clarion has launched its brand-new app, “The Buzz: Lee University,” powered by USA Today College to provide an easier and more efficient means of keeping students informed and updated about news happening locally on campus, nationally and worldwide.

Home screen for “The Buzz,” featuring the latest stories from the Clarion.

Because the app is powered through USA Today College, it allows for the Clarion to enter into USA Today’s college network, along with other campuses nation-wide, according to Dr. Michael Finch, assistant professor of communication and faculty sponsor to student media.

“With this app you get national news and national news that relates to students in particular,” Finch stated, “and we’re just now scratching the surface of the functionality, there’s so much more that we can do with it.”

This app not only allows for national and worldwide news to be accessed by the touch of a finger, but it also serves as a space for student media’s content to thrive.

The app will also feature content from iGnite, student media’s video news team.

Home screen for “The Buzz,” featuring the latest stories from the Clarion

“We’ve tried to cover national topics, so it’s good to finally be on an app where that content can be discovered, and be relevant to the community,” said Martha Douhne, associate producer of iGnite.

For the Lee University community, every story, video, image from the Clarion and iGnite will be available on the app, according to Chad Magee, editor-in-chief for The Clarion.

Magee said he thought that having a central place for content to be accessed allows for an easier and more efficient way for readers to gain information.

The app also allows for the fostering of community between student media staff and its readers.

“It lets the student body see that we’re not just some obscure editor or obscure reporter, we’re just right next to you in class,” Magee said.

With this community being established, the app also highlights the importance of student voices being heard on Lee’s campus.

“The Buzz: Lee University” is one of many college news apps powered by the USA Today

“It’s the one university publication that is student-produced. It has a slight editorial influence by faculty, but the students do everything,” Finch stated. “We want this to be the student voice, we want this to be something that is for the students, by the students and has ownership by the student body.”

The hope, according to Finch, is that this message will catch on throughout campus and that students will make the most out of this outlet so more stories are told and more connections can be made.

“The Buzz: Lee University” is available for download for iPhone and Android users.

The app can be downloaded at the Apple Store or Google Play.

The “Videos” tab shows content from iGnite, student media’s video news team.

Originally published at www.leeclarion.com.



Lee Clarion

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