Blockchain: The Disruption of Capitalism?

Lee Cocking
7 min readJul 13, 2018
The Disruption of Capitalism — Illustration by Lee Cocking

As the world quietly hums along there is an revolution underfoot that may be poised to disrupt what we consider traditional capitalism.

For the record (and to remind myself), capitalism is defined as

an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit…

And there in lies the crux of the matter: “controlled by private owners for profit”.

The traditional capitalist system of large privately owned organizations with institutional investors, shareholders, a board of directors and sometimes (often?) questionable ethics and decision making has provided the bulk of work and wages in the economy, or at least held the most control. In the future this model may be disrupted.

It May Have Started With the Gig Economy

Perhaps the first sign of this was the dramatic growth in freelance work as more and more employees desired flexible working arrangements, needed more cash, or couldn’t find a full time job, and this eventually culminated in a massive ‘gig’ economy that is being driven by some of the largest tech organizations in Silicon Valley.

The stats vary, but according to some sources there are at least millions of people in the US alone…



Lee Cocking

Cryptocurrency | Product Management | Mobile | Blockchain | Cybersecurity