Hey there!

My name is Lee, a.k.a. The Digital Navigator from Pittsburgh, but I can be found virtually everywhere.

Running a solo WordPress agency for over 16 years has taught me a thing or two about helping creatives and digital entrepreneurs thrive online, all while living the dream of working from anywhere.

My mission? To share my thoughts and insights on organic marketing, how to grow your business, manage it remotely, and keep sane in a chaotic world.

Life's a juggling act, especially as a married mom with two grown kids and a retired husband. It's all about finding the balance between personal and professional life, and trust me, I've had my share of ups and downs. But it's these experiences that I love to share -- the good, the bad, and the downright messy.

When I'm not here writing, I'm dedicated to empowering purpose-driven small business owners like you. I help you amplify your impact with customized website solutions, seamlessly aligning your online presence with your mission.

Want to know more about that? Check out https://wpsitesuccess.com/

Medium member since November 2023
Friend of Medium since March 2024
Connect with Lee Drozak
Lee Drozak

Friend of Medium

A semi-extroverted WordPress agency owner with my passion for enjoying an unplugged world. Love sharing web tips and random thoughts.