25 reasons why you may remain a child

Anne-Sophie Schimpf
2 min readSep 11, 2016


#1 You laugh for any reasons

#2 You ask “why”

#3 You know you are always learning

#4 You are curious about the world

#5 You believe great adventures are awaiting for you

#6 You promoted yourself as the own captain in your world

#7 You smile and trust people without any prejudice

#8 You have never heard of“social” mask is and just react spontaneously no matter what

#9 You remember “Thanks” is a magic word so never forget to say it

#10 You are fascinated by nature and respect it

#11 You still believe in magic and let your imagination flow on every little thing that surrounders you

#12 You love people for what they do and not what they represent

#13 You are overwhelmed by ideas and share them without caring whether they are good or not

#14 You applause and explode with joy when you enjoyed something

#15 You like simple happiness : a good ice cream or a hot chocolate, sunshine in summer or snow in winter, or just that 1$ candy from the next street’s shop

#16 You make new friends when you are in a new place regardless of who they are or where they come from — just play together

#16 You share your candies or toys with your new friend(s)

#17 You are excited by every entertainment : the crazier the better

#18 When you see someone cry, you go and try to help out though you don’t understand what the matter is

#19 You say honestly all the things that comes into your mind — what’s “hypocrisis” ?

#20 You dance and sing and talk endlessly

#21 You prefer travelling and discovering to shopping

#22 A tree can become a new secret place, a snail a new best friend, a garbage a monster

#23 You love your family and are willing to do anything to protect them

#24 Everyday is a new day full of surprises

#25 You believe in hope

Life is a wonderful journey, and you know deep inside your heart that someday you are gonna be a hero in your own way — just looking forward to prove it.

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