My 4'30 Minute Morning Routine

Anne-Sophie Schimpf
5 min readMay 25, 2017


Today I’ve decided to share my very own morning routine. I know, there are tons of articles talking about it already. Don’t worry, I’ve tried most of them.

But they take time.

Few minutes of meditation, few minutes of workout, few minutes of writing… That’s a lot of “few minutes” when added together. Of course, I love them. But sometimes, when I’m out or abroad, it’s not that simple to keep them. So I looked for an alternative.

And I love it even more.

In total, it only takes me 4'30 minutes every morning. No more.

It might sound surprisingly and ridiculously simple, yet it has been of the greatest effect. Therefore I decided to share it with you.

It’s Morning time ! Are you ready ?

Initially, I used to follow a whole ‘Morning Routine’

First, like most of you I believe, I used to have a long and sacralized morning routine.

You surely have heard of “Miracle Morning”. Well I did too.

Actually I even discovered it on Medium. I liked the idea, so I tried : get up early, take breakfast slowly, write down thoughts calmly, read some chapters passionately, work out happily.

I loved that routine.

I felt I was gaining in productivity. Every morning I was glad to wake up and ready to go to work.

So I did it for several weeks, months. But that was always part of a ‘routine’ like everything else.

A routine where every morning I had time to get up early alone and have time for my little habits.

Then came summer.

Summer farniente, like the French say

Vacations with friends, visiting family, planning new things everyday, going out early in the morning, enjoying breakfasts and brunches with everybody…

Then I went to live abroad.

Shared rooms with other people, lived with my boyfriend...

I started wanting to spend time during the morning with people I love. Everyday I had different plans and there was no room for a routine anymore.

You might think : right, for a long period you lost your habit. But you could go back to it once you were back with a 'normal' and 'routine-like' life.

Well, not exactly.

I started asking myself : why do I need to be so productive ? I wanted to spend my time in new ways.

I used to feel bad or guilty when I couldn’t do my morning routine though. Like something was missing.

Like the Old man sailing on the sea of life

So I thought of going back to the basics

What can I do everyday, that will be enough to make a difference?

I defined my very basic first layer.

And depending on the time and on my mood, I had different and various toppings : workout, read a book, take an online class…

Just like this. I prepare several ‘bases’ for everyday, then I add new flavors. Just keep the habits to do it !

Because you cannot do everything everyday, you must keep the only essentials.

First 1'30 : I do plank exercises every morning

Yes, just this basic one.

It takes between 1 and 2 minutes or more (challenge yourself by adding more seconds to hold or new sides/positions).

It’s good for the abs, for your back, your shoulders, your butt. And in a few weeks, I was amazed to see how my belly really did flatten.

It’s just enough to make me feel good.

Every morning, I’m like : “2 minutes of plank : DONE”

Second 2 minutes : I take long breaths

Then, after planking, I take time to breathe slowly.

This was actually inspired by a Japanese movie superstar’s method. Here’s how to do it :

Miki Ryosuke, after he got this advice from his doctor

It makes your abs work and burns fat. Plus it helps you relax, clear your mind, meditate, focus on your body.

I do it several times, until I feel peace filling every single part of my mind. Sometimes, I do it in front of my mirror, and I smile to myself. Today is another day, stay simple, let things come and go, follow your intuitions and let happiness begins !

PS : Miki Ryosuke said he lost 13kg with this method, he has no back’s problems anymore, focus better on things and feels calmer on a daily basis.

Just enough time to listen to your favorite music

So it’s just 4’30 minutes long. That’s a song’s length! So I choose my favorite song to wake up and feel good, I play it and I do my morning routine.

Choose the very one music with which you want to start your day.

My current morning song : Mr. Blue Sky (yes, I love Guardians of the Galaxy)

So let’s recap about this method : it’s quick and you may do it EVERYWHERE.

  • In the room after you get up and before you head to the kitchen
  • In the bathroom before brushing your teeth
  • On holidays anywhere
  • On days where you’re in a rush

What do 4’30 represent ? It’s nothing. Yet it really has an impact.

You will strengthen your core body, work on your abs, feel good for the rest of the day. And your morning song will bring you sunshine.

It’s like the basic frozen yogurt or oatmeal. It takes few time to get it ready, then up to you to add your toppings. But at least you have the very basic.

I’ve been doing this since January and never felt any better. I don’t have to worry in the morning, I just do it automatically. It’s like a ritual. No need time nor space, just a positive will. So no excuses !

And yes, it’s super easy. So easy that it’s hard to break the habit. So you might try it.

I’m Anne-Sophie, a young French writer and kid who still believe in dreams and life. I write to share stories, feelings, happiness.

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