The magic of a fresh perspective

Lee Fuhr
2 min readApr 5, 2023


Picture this: your team has been working on a project for months.

You’re all in sync, but you can’t help but feel like you’re missing something.

You’re too close to the project. You need an outside perspective. You can’t see what you can’t see, and you know it. It‘s a recipe for unease.

Enter the power of external input. 💡

David C. Baker and Blair Enns, renowned agency consultants, touch upon the importance of fresh perspectives in their podcast, 2Bobs.

They discuss cycling clients and employees, emphasizing the benefits of untainted perspectives and how they contribute to the overall growth of a business. Why get a fresh perspective?

Shine a light in dark corners

When deeply involved in a project, it’s easy to overlook crucial details. A fresh perspective helps you identify gaps and weaknesses you may have missed. 🔍

Foster innovation

External experts have unique experiences and skills, often sparking new ideas and encouraging creative problem-solving. 💥

Challenge assumptions

Fresh hires or outsourced teams can question long-held assumptions and help you revisit your approach. May the best solution win! ❓

Validate your biases

External input can provide an impartial assessment of your strategy, confirming its effectiveness or revealing opportunities for improvement. 📈

Light a campfire

An external perspective can energize your team, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration as they work together to integrate new ideas. 🤝

Stay ahead of the joneses

You’re better equipped to adapt to changing market conditions and outperform your competition by continually exposing your team to new ideas. 🏆

So, how can you harness the power of fresh perspectives? Here are a few ways:

👉 Hire fresh talent

Regularly bring in new employees with diverse backgrounds to challenge your team’s thinking and infuse new ideas.

👉 Outsource projects

Engage external agencies or freelancers to tap into their expertise and gain fresh insights.

👉 Conduct workshops

Invite external speakers or industry experts to share their knowledge with your team, inspiring new ways of thinking.

👉 Seek feedback

Request input from clients, customers, or competitors to gain valuable insights from different angles.

Remember, fresh perspectives can be the catalyst for growth and success.

Don’t let your team stagnate in their bubble — embrace the power of external input. 🚀



Lee Fuhr

Founder @ Cozy Design • Founder @ San Diego Digital Designers.