Lee Garibaldi
1 min readJun 25, 2017


Thank you so much, Sheldon. Writing has been a passion of mine since I was little. I used to read so much that it drove my parents crazy. They knew that sending me to my room was a reward and not a punishment because it meant I was left alone with my books and journals. So they would instead punish me by not allowing me to read. That’s when I started hiding books in the bathroom, the only place they wouldn’t follow me. I was such a weird kid.

It was my dream to share my writing with the world so it’s so exciting for me to finally have a chance to do that. It feels so good. And your comment absolutely made my day. I got so excited when I saw that someone actually read and reacted to what I wrote. You can’t even know how much that means to me.


~ Lee



Lee Garibaldi

Mother, daughter, sister, writer, reader, editor, atheist, junkie, student, seeker of intelligent life on this planet, whovian, not sane, nsfw. On FB & Quora.