Make yourself at home. I'm Lee.

I’m proud to be a wife, a friend, a writer, a sister, an ally, an activist, a subject matter expert and a small business owner.

Here, I extract splinters of labels I laud less. Trauma survivor, homewrecker, birthmother, rape victim, orphan, criminal, agoraphobe, powerhouse, slut.

Some sunk deep from birth into an unwelcoming world, others gathered yielding to dormant impulses stirred thoughtlessly. Some screamed silently at myself in another’s voice.

You will find memoirs, judgmental commentary and conclusions wrought hard from passion, pain and paying attention. Maybe you won’t make the same mistakes. Maybe you already have. I may or may not help, but I promise you will feel less alone.

Random facts about Lee:

She has a lot of opinions.

She falls down a lot.

She had a presidential helicopter rerouted.

Her cardinal impetus is to outrun her heritage.

She is reeling from a loss no one should suffer.

She hates to cry and seldom does.

Her ACE score is 9.

Her diagnoses are legion: ADHD, PTSD, C-PTSD, GAD, panic disorder, hypomania...

Her highest value is reason.

She likes to know what to expect.

Quoth, her brother: “You sound like an ad for life. Or some energy drink.”

Thank you for reading. Thank you for writing! I’m so glad you are here.

Medium member since January 2024
Friend of Medium since January 2024
Connect with Lee Griffo
Lee Griffo

Lee Griffo

Friend of Medium

Life thoroughly lived. Unvarnished scandals and triumphs. Exhilarating, humiliating and true. Proud to be published in The Memoirist and Human Parts.