Entrepreneur or athlete?

Lee Hackett
3 min readMar 1, 2018


We’ve just had the Winter Olympics and the CrossFit Open has just kicked off. If you know me, you’ll know CrossFit is where my heart is these days when it comes to fitness. My mind is on athletics. I’m thinking about conditioning, how these guys get in shape and how they time their development throughout the days, months and years in order to absolutely smash these big events and life in general.

I’m thinking about how entrepreneurs, myself included, should be approaching their life in the exact same way; with thought, attention and that fine balance between intensity and recovery.

Modern entrepreneurs are so close to professional athletes in my mind.

Expert of many

Look at a pentathlete or a CrossFit athlete, people who have to master and perform at the top levels of so many different movements and activities. You can see the parallels to entrepreneurs who are juggling so many tasks and demands to get their business off the ground, making a profit and growing.

They’re strategists, product developers, salespeople, marketers, HR managers, finance directors and admin assistants, all in one body, from the get go. They have to be good, if not great, at so many things.

And that is unbelievably demanding, as any entrepreneur will tell you.

Hidden slog

As an athlete, to get to the top level requires years of focused and targeted hard work. It requires tons of sacrifice. A dedication to developing both the mind and body that can handle the pressures over decades, if not a lifetime. Locking in great habits that add up to spectacular performance on a regular basis. And delivering great results under pressure.

This same slog is required for most entrepreneurs looking to be the best. You’ll have to put the hours in. You’ll have to say no to people and things asking for your time and attention because you’re working towards a greater goal further off into the future. New habits specific to your new world have to be worked into your life. And of course, you’ll have to perform when it counts; making customers happy and making a profit.

Mimic the pros

You can’t approach building a business and being an entrepreneur with a Sunday League attitude. If you want to be in this game for life and consistently performing at the highest level in your industry, your knowledge, strategy and tactics need to be at a professional level.

This idea of behaving like a pro-athlete applies not only to your business activity but to your personal health and wellbeing too.


Because you have to be at your peak if you want your business to be. You can only perform at your best if your mind and body are in a position to let you. Your health, your energy, is an asset that has to be nurtured and developed accordingly for this new life you’ve chosen to lead.

Profit from self-care

You may not be getting paid to be in peak condition but your business performance and profits will seriously benefit from you thinking that you are. Think about it. Having your brain running at full speed and your energy levels in the zone is going to translate to better thinking, decision making and delivering when it counts.

On the other end of the scale, it will cost your bottom line, sooner or later, if you’re not keeping yourself in optimum condition. You’ll slip up or burnout and your dream will be in jeopardy. This has happened to so many people I have worked with.

Want to perform better than ever? Look at the best athletes around and be inspired by lengths they go to to stay on top. Ask yourself, how can I apply this to my own output?



Lee Hackett

Family first. CEO @thisisbluprint. Investor. Speaker. Podcast series host. Data | Technology | Business | #EntrepreneurFit