Happy 2nd Birthday:Second Birthday Wishes,Quotes And Messages

ku li
21 min readApr 27, 2017

Happy 2nd Birthday,Second birthdays are all about drooling over the tiny toes, chubby cheeks, funny faces and the innocent eyes. This post is a heart-melting mix of the cutest, sweetest and most adorable Happy Birthday messages for two year olds. Read them and take ideas to write your own personalized quotes on a greeting card. Whether the cutie pie is your own baby boy, baby girl, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew or one of your friends’ little bundle of joy — make sure that your card goes on to become a beautiful keepsake that can be cherished decades down the line.Happy 2nd Birthday:Second Birthday Wishes,Quotes And Messages is the best collections for 2 years old.

Happy 2nd Birthday Wishes,Quotes And Messages for You

Another year has gone by and it’s your child’s Happy 2nd Birthday. Even though many place most emphasis on a child’s first birthday, you most probably feel this is another really special day for your child. And you are quite right! Even if you aren’t parents however, but loving grandparents or an uncle or auntie, or even just a friend, here are some birthday wishes for anyone turning two years old.
In the melody of your parents’ lives, you are the sweetest note. Happy 2nd birthday.

Picking you up and cuddling you in my arms, looking into your eyes and being smitten by your cute charms. I wish I could hit the pause button in my life’s journey, so I could enjoy these beautiful moments in your company. Happy 2nd birthday.

You may be just 24 months old, but you have given us the happiness of a lifetime. Happy 2nd birthday.

You are like a warm blanket. Whenever I take you in my arms, I feel warm and cuddly. Happy 2nd birthday.

Birthday wishes for girlfriend

You are the cutest, you are so adorable. You are the sweetest, you are so lovable. Without your heart-warming cuddles, the world seems miserable. Happy 2nd birthday.

Whether you turn two or twenty two, all you need to remember is that I Love You. Happy 2nd birthday.

Whenever I hold your tiny feet, my heart skips a beat. Whenever I hold your little hand in mine, it reminds me that life is so fine. Whenever I tug your chubby cheeks, it gives me all the happiness I seek. Happy 2nd birthday.

Mom’s little reflection, dad’s little angel, grandpa’s little friend, grandma’s little bundle. Happy 2nd birthday, little one.

You have graduated from using a nappy to sitting on the potty. I wish you many such big achievements in life. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to the cuddly two year old hunk who is already winning everyone’s hearts with his cute charms.

I don’t know if I will be able to do what it takes to achieve all my dreams. But I do know that I will do whatever it takes to help you achieve all your dreams as you grow up into a fine young lad. Happy 2nd birthday son.

Birthday wishes for lover

May the rest of your life be exactly like your second birthday — full of treats, goodies and the love of your family.

I look into your eyes, and I see the true meaning of innocence. I feel your little heart beat, and I understand the true meaning of love. Happy 2nd birthday.

In the last twelve months since your 1st birthday, your experience and age has doubled… and so has your cuteness. Happy birthday little one.

Congratulations for turning old enough to eat your birthday cake all by yourself. Happy birthday.
You are the naughtiest two year old anyone has ever seen. But all is forgiven because you are also the cutest there has ever been. Happy birthday.

Your cute little footsteps have carved out a path that goes straight into the alleys of our heart. Happy 2nd birthday.

This is the time to use your cuteness to get anything you want from your parents. Happy 2nd birthday.

You may be a tiny little bundle of joy… but the happiness you spread around is king size. Happy 2nd birthday.

Happy birthday friend

I don’t mind if you lose your baby fat and chubby cheeks, but don’t ever lose your innocence. Happy 2nd birthday.

Turning two must have been difficult — a cute toddler like you must have endured so many hugs and kisses to reach here. Happy 2nd birthday.

Happy 2nd birthday to the little girl who is destined to do big things in her life.

The only person in the world who has made us smile for two continuous years is you, my baby. Happy 2nd birthday.

My life has been full of ups and downs… until the day you were born after which it has only been going up. Happy 2nd birthday to my baby.

Whether you turn two or twenty two, you will never stop being my cuddly-coo. Happy birthday 2nd birthday.

The only reason I love my world being all blue, is because I have super cute baby boy like you. Happy 2nd birthday.

You have turned my heart into a marshmallow which melts by the warmth in your lovely round eyes. Happy 2nd birthday.

Although you can barely walk, you have conquered all our hearts. Happy 2nd birthday.

Birthday wishes for father

The last twenty four months have made me realize the true purpose of my life — to be a responsible and loving dad to a beautiful angel like you. Happy 2nd birthday sweetie.

A cuddle with you, takes away my blues. A tender touch of your tiny finger, melts away my anger. I am reminded by your innocent eyes, that you are my life’s biggest prize. Happy 2nd birthday.

People spend years learning how to spread happiness and joy. You are a master at it already. Happy 2nd birthday.
Congratulations, you have successfully harassed your parents for one more year. Happy 2nd birthday.

You are so tiny but the smiles you bring on everyone’s faces are huge. Happy second birthday darling.

You are already a celebrity in the family because everyone wants to take pictures with you. Happy 2nd birthday.

First Birthday wishes

Congratulations for turning two. You are two years closer to becoming a tall and handsome man. Happy birthday.

My world is an oyster and you… are its radiant pearl. Happy 2nd birthday.

Your feet are deceptively small, because your footprints on your heart are huge. Happy 2nd birthday.

There’s time until you become the prince of a girl’s dreams. Till then, enjoy being the king of our hearts. Happy 2nd birthday son.

If only… your cuteness could be stored away in a jar. Happy 2nd birthday to my baby.

I do not know how, but you have managed to look even cuter this year! Happy second birthday!

Happy second birthday to my dear (name)! It’s so fun to hear your giggles and see you run around playing!

I will never forget your first word, your first step, your first laugh. But today is your second birthday so let’s have as much fun as possible! Happy birthday, may you always be as happy as you are today!

The first year with you was delightful… But this year, watching you grow has been overwhelming. Happy birthday to my precious daughter/son. I am so proud of you!

Birthday wishes for boss

Happy birthday! We are seriously thinking that you were born a runner with all that sprinting you do in the house!! Enjoy your special day!

You are the best gift I could ever have been given by life. To me, you are perfect! Happy second birthday, we are so happy to have you in our family!

Happy birthday! Enjoy the cake and please don’t throw it at the wall!!

I hope we can offer you at least half of the joy and happiness you have given us these past two years. We love you unconditionally. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday little girl/guy! The world is ready for you to explore it as you wish!
I hope this special day is only a sample of all the happiness and contempt you will feel throughout your life. Happy second birthday!

There is no sound I love more than your two footsteps on our wooden floor. There is no smell better than yours. Happy birthday son/daughter, I adore you!

Your smile is like a most precious treasure to me. Never stop smiling. Happy birthday!

Second birthday, double the fun! Eat as much cake as you can and play till your heart’s content! Happy birthday cutie!

Congratulations for reaching this second milestone in life! There are so many more to come and they are oh so much fun! Happy birthday little one!

Happy birthday poems

It is that time of the year again. Your toddler has almost reached the tender age of two and he is about to have his second birthday. Some people think that they are not as important as the first but you know better. So here is a list of unique, never before uttered wishes for your adorable two year old. And feel free to adjust them any way you want.

We thought we loved you as much as possible this time last year, but it seems that our love keeps getting bigger and bigger by the year. Just like you. Happy second birthday.

I was looking the other day at a new dictionary that has been around for two years and they have your picture in the definition of the word cute. Happy second birthday.

Two years ago you were born, now look at you and all you’ve learned. You laugh and play and learn in your own special way. Joy to you on your birthday.

Double the years, double the love. Happy second birthday.

I have to say, the funniest moment of this year was when you started making faces at the mirror. Happy second birthday.

A little birdie told me that you are now two years old. What fun that is to be so young! When the world is still so new!

It’s your birthday and you’re two! Oh my goodness, what to do? Why, laugh and play! Let’s celebrate!

Happy Birthday wishes

To my shining star on your birthday, two years ago you brightened my life. Today you brighten it still more with each beautiful smile and wondrous laugh.

First steps, first smiles, first laughs, first words, these past two years have been filled with firsts. And the year to come will be filled with more.

We are so happy that you can walk on your own now. Wait… I can’t see you. John where have you gone to? Just kidding darling, happy second birthday.
You made us very happy when you became one year old but we are absolutely delighted with you now that you are two. Happy second birthday

Oh, it’s your birthday my baby! It’s your birthday my doll! You’re two years old today, now lets celebrate!

This year it has been a real privilege watching you grow from a baby to a child. Thank you, my baby and happy second birthday.

We had some suspicions last year, but this year we are totally sure. You are going to be President one day. Happy second birthday.

Birthday wishes for friends

You made your dad very happy this year when you started kicking that little ball of yours. He always wanted an athlete son. I, on the other hand, am a little bit worried that you always seem to kick it towards the glass windows. Oh well, happy second birthday.

I am looking at the photos of your last year’s birthday and I cannot believe how much you’ve grown. I think we have a potential NBA player here. Happy second birthday, my son.

I can now tell you that the first year of your life was a real trial for us. But this year, our life with you was pure enjoyment. I can’t wait for the years to come, my baby. Happy second birthday.

I cannot believe how many words you’ve learned to speak this year. I think we have a linguist in the making. Happy second birthday.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you never know, dear, how much I love you and I am stopping at this. I know you will never even try to take my sunshine away. Happy second birthday.

Me and your mother were really happy this year that you finally got to sleep the whole night without waking three or four times. On the other hand you have also stopped sleeping during the day. Oh well, you can’t have it all. Happy second birthday.

By the way you are holding onto your toys, I think we are going to have trouble teaching you how to share. But it doesn’t mutter, you are so beautiful that I am sure people are going to give you away things all the time in the future. Happy second birthday.

Now that you’re 2, watch out for the younger girls. One-year-old girls drool over handsome older guys like you.

Well, you have been able to pronounce correctly all of the main characters of your favorite story books so far but this year I am reading you Rumpelstiltskin. Happy second birthday

By the way you are piling your toys, making castles all the time, it is now obvious to both of us that we have an architect in the making, although your ever pessimist mother sometimes gets afraid of you becoming a construction worker. Don’t worry son, we are going to love you no matter what. Happy second birthday.
Children at the first years of their lives are a real joy to play with. Things that seam typical and boring to grownups, such as birthdays and name celebrations can really be a memorable feast for them. When a child turns two years old, the change of bringing a gift it will actually use is very thin and any wish you may give will only be considered after several years when the boy or girl can actually read it. You are certainly unsure about what to wish for this little sweet creature that can barely walk around, so we have some readymade quotes for you to choose from and adapt to fit your little angel.

Time passes fast and here you are having double the years you had in your last birthday! It may sound unbelievable now but in a short time you will be able to ask for gifts yourself. Until then I’m gathering the funds and wish you a colorful and happy birthday!

Could you ask for a prettier gift than children? This is just the second time you are celebrating you son’s/ daughter’s birthday, but not before long he/ she will have an opinion and will of his/her own. So, enjoy the present time when you are in charge as long as it lasts. Happy birthday to your little man/woman.

Strange as it may seem, all these unknown to you people have actually come for you! You don’t need to do something special though. Just the usual mess you cause every time you are left unintended inside the house will do. I wish you a happy and untroubled life!

You cannot yet understand the happiness you spread around just by being there. I wish you keep doing this for other people around you when you grow up, too. Happy birthday!

Your pretty thing is already two years old! Just before you realize you have a new family member, you already have to run all day because of it! Happy birthday to your favorite trouble.

One more year of your great achievement and a nice chance to celebrate. I wish you one day have the happiness to stand by him/ her to whatever he/ she chooses to follow in life. My best wishes for your hard job, dear parents, and my sweet kisses for your angel!

Great things come in small packages, they say! If this is true, you must be a really really great thing! This year your task is more difficult, because you have to blow twice the candles you did last year. Happy birthday!

Today we all can witness the second station of what we hope to be a great and interesting journey for your little treasure. Always keep your eyes on the road and enjoy the ride for the short time you will be the driver. My best wishes and thoughts for your girl’s/ boy’s second birthday!

Seeing your sweet face behind those two candles, I can’t help but wonder what your wish for your second birthday might be. A new toy or more hugs from mommy and daddy? I wish you both!

I can find no words to express how blessed I feel to witness your little child’s growing up and complete your completing your family’s happiness. It’s already time for the second birthday and all I can wish is health and fortune for the years to come. Happy birthday!

I wish that your second birthday is second to none! Just keep crying and be sure that all your wishes will come true, thanks to mommy and daddy! Happy birthday, full of joy and colorful surprises!

Two year olds are cute, adorable and so hearty, they always smile and their cries are sweet. They like attention and sweet things. That is why it is important to throw them the best birthday ever. Make the day memorable for them, so they will always know how much thought time and love you put into their birthday. Here are some messages you can send to that cute, lovable two year old in your life, to show them you will always be there for them, on their birthday and each and every event of their life:

Birthday Messages for 2 Year Olds

It is time to celebrate the birthday of a brand new soul. You are only two years old after all. Your first year is mainly you pooping all over the place. Happy birthday little one.

Happy birthday to a super cute 2-years-old! You look so cute I can just eat you up for how yummy you look.

Not all moms have little superheroes as I have. Have a great second birthday my love.

2 years is a long time. I can’t believe you are complete grown. You can walk! Happy birthday!

Did you know that 2 year olds can make the harshest women or man smile? They are just irresistible to their lovable charms. Happy birthday little baby.

Happy birthday! Let’s sing for the 2-year-old. The second year of life. The next coming of a generation. Muah!

Oh my god! You are the most adorable little 2-year-old baby I have ever seen! It is unbelievable how cute you look. And you are growing up so fast, it’s like you are going to be twenty before you know it! Happy birthday!

I Love the adorable little man who walks like penguins. I love you so much, baby. Have a great second birthday.

My adorable little baby, I can’t believe how fast you have grown; I hope you enjoy this day with all that comes with it. Happy 2nd birthday love!

It’s your birthday little one, I hope you eat a lot of cake and have a lot of fun. You are amazing and I am happy to be here with you.

May you find all the world’s comfort and happy moments throughout your life. Have a wonderful birthday.

Happy birthday! There are not many 2 year olds I get excited for. But you are a loveable exception. Happy birthday my little lovely friend.

I want you to know that we love just pinching your cheeks and pulling your toes. Seeing you kick around like an adorable little monkey is one of the best things I have ever seen. Happy birthday little 2-year-old.
2 years? It’s been two years already since you have been born!? Oh my lord. You are growing up so fast. What am I going to do with you when you get so big! I won’t even be able to have you in my house! I’m joking. Happy birthday!

Did you know that you drove your father crazy during year one? Did you know you are only going to drive him even crazier during year 2? Well, you do now baby. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to one of the cutest little kids around. 2 years is nothing but a number. You are going to be great just watch.

I need to know something. What in the world does a two-year-old baby think about? Hopefully it’s not just bottles and diapers all day. Happy birthday. Let me know the answer to one of the world’s greatest mysteries.

What a way to go. You have become double your age. That’s wild. Happy birthday to one of the most lovable two year olds out there!

I need you to know something. You are one of very few kids that will hang out with us and one of the even fewer kids I would approve of. Happy birthday.

I often sing high praises of children. Mainly because they are so good in listening and being absolute wild. I see good things coming to you in the future. As long as you keep doing what you are supposed to. It’s going to be grand.

Happy birthday! We cannot stop talking in babble speak to you. It’s impossible to not do that when you are such an adorable 2-year-old.

Today, I celebrate the birthday of this amazing two year old, I hope you grow to be wise, hearty and always keeping it real. You are amazing.

I will love, protect and be here for you always, I just want you to enjoy your birthday to the fullest, so blow off those candles dear, have a happy second birthday.

Happy birthday to my super baby, you are turning two and might I say, oh sweet baby how big you are. I wish you all the joy my dear.

You bring joy to my life, light to my dark days and I couldn’t be gladder having to share your birthday with you. I love you and hope you have a memorable second birthday.

Words alone cannot express the joy I feel being here on your second birthday. I hope you know how much you mean to me dearest.

You are going to be an amazing person someday, I can tell from the way you are now. I hope you have a great second birthday my dear.

You are a great person with a big heart and an adorable smile, I will shelter you from any harm imaginable, just be happy my sweet child and have a blessed second birthday.

I wish you all the great things this world has to offer, you are a great kid and I know someday you will change the world. Happy second birthday cutie!
I am happy to be here, happy to be part of your second birthday. I know this day will be memorable to you. You are my now and forever.

You are a blessing, a great addition to my life, I hope you enjoy this birthday with all the candy, sweets and hearty wishes. I love you baby.

I am honestly blessed, to look into the eyes of such a beautiful two year old. I hope this day is forever with you. Have a hearty birthday my dear.

Happy second birthday honey, you are truly an amazing additional and I can never take you for granted. I love you, have a beautiful birthday.

Happy sweet second birthday my dear, you are going to be a great person someday and I love you so much. Have a great birthday love.

I forever hold you in high esteem, you are an amazing kid and I love you so much. I hope you enjoy the cake and sweets on your second birthday my beautiful baby.

From the day I hold you in my arms and make you sleep in my lap, you have been sheltered in our thoughts and hearts. Have a wonderful 2nd birthday my love, my baby.

A precious gift sent directly from heavens that complete my entity. I wish you a great happy 2nd birthday. May you have thousands of outstanding moments.

My brand new baby boy got a bit old and reaches the second milestone of life. I wish you a very happy birthday sweetheart. You are adorable.

My life -my baby. May you save from evil eyes and have a healthy, wealthy life ahead. Have a great second birthday.

Came straight into my lap from the heaven’s brightest star. Enjoying to share my time with you in the car. Have a great second birthday my sweetheart.

After your arrival, my life has completely changed. I have forgotten how to live free. I spend my all time with you. Wishing you the loveliest second birthday sweetheart.

You are a piece of love, God has gifted to me and say handle it with care. I love you my cute little child. Have a stunning 2nd birthday.

You are my little and security for future. You are my clone and I cannot share you with anyone. You are my love, my sweet child. Wishing you a great 2nd birthday.

You are such a prime miracle of my life in the form of a cute baby girl when I lost my all hope. May you have long life and good fortune. Have a happy 2nd birthday.

Your fingers might be little but you have cover to hold it securely that’s your dad’s big fingers. Have lovely 2nd birthday sweet child.

All my happiness and peace are concerned with your sweet smile. May your smile maintain on your face forever. I wish you a very happy 2nd birthday sweetheart.

You are the ocean of my desolate life. May your life be filled with happiness, joy, and pleasure and you spend a long prosper life. Have a wonderful second birthday.

I know this time you are too little to see what is going around your surroundings. So I am telling you this is the celebration going on the honor of your second birthday and one day I will show you these captured moments. Happy birthday, child.

You are the mom’s superhero and dad’s Prince. All the happiness and pleasure come in the way of your life. Happy birthday our sweet little hope.

You are the foundation of you parents love and you live within our hearts. Have great second birthday my dear son.

Good things come to those who wait and I had waited a ten years long period then I heard the news of your arrival. Happy 2nd birthday my child.

You are just a two years lovely child and you are too talkative. You speak in your distorted words all the time which is quite impressive and attractive. I just love it. Have a wonderful birthday sweetie.

You are the sweetest girl who put every color in my life and make it colorful. Your smile is my killing weapon. Happy 2nd birthday pretty little girl.

It’s your birthday sweetie; you get to enjoy all the cake and sweets you can have. I hope you wear that smile for the rest of the day. I love you and want nothing but the very best for you.

Happy 2nd Birthday Wishes for Son

You’re little and timid but your light is bright and glowing. Happy Birthday little man. I’m glad you’re with me. Enjoy your great day.

Happy 2nd Birthday son. When I was your age, I was not privileged to have a tricycle, but you now have everything. I’m happy to see you happy.

I wish you my lovely little man good health and good strength to be a sport man when you grow up. Happy 2nd Birthday son.

The only joy that find its way into my heart today is in seeing that I’m able to provide a very good life for you since birth. Happy 2nd Birthday son.

The key to an outstanding life is in showing you the pathway of the Lord; I will do my best in showing you that path. Happy Birthday son, 2-year-old!

I will withhold nothing good from you, because I want you to get the best of everything in this short life. Happy 2nd Birthday my boy.

Happy 2nd Birthday Wishes for Daughter

Happy birthday pretty little girl with chubby cheeks. I want to touch those cheeks every day. Happy 2nd Birthday beautiful daughter.

Happy 2nd Birthday daughter, I have nothing in mind yet, that I’ll want you to become other than becoming like your mother. She’s a great wife and mom.

I am determined and passionate about guiding you through the right path, you’re my little girl and I love you. Happy Birthday daughter, 2-year-old!

I will do my best to give you a great life, but apply your ways to the path of wisdom and it shall be well with you. Happy 2nd Birthday daughter.

Being a mother is naturally in the making of every female, can’t believe you’re already willing to take care of me even at this age. Heheheh. Happy Birthday little mom.

Your birth has brought honor to my family, may you forever be relevant and honorable in your generation. Happy 2nd Birthday dear daughter.

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