Automating the Renewal of Let’s Encrypt Certificates: A Comprehensive Guide

Automated Assurance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Renewing Let’s Encrypt Certificates

Jacob Lee
4 min readJul 28, 2023

As an increasing number of websites transition to HTTPS, managing SSL/TLS certificates has become a crucial aspect of web administration. A popular choice for many is Let’s Encrypt, a non-profit Certificate Authority that provides free SSL/TLS certifications. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up automatic renewals for Let’s Encrypt certificates on an Ubuntu server using Certbot.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. Certbot installed and a Let’s Encrypt certificate already obtained for your website.
  2. SSH access to your Ubuntu server (if not a local machine.)
  3. The NGINX web server installed and configured

Understanding the Crontab Editor Selection Process

When you first run the command sudo crontab -e on your Ubuntu server, you might see the message “no crontab for root — using an empty one”.

This simply means that there’s no existing crontab file for the root user, so an empty one will be created. The crontab file is where all cron jobs (scheduled tasks) for a user are stored.

