Commercial Drain Repair and Cleaning — Serious Problems Requiring Fast Action

2 min readNov 16, 2017

Falling autumn leaves are attracted to outside drains like a moth to a flame while overgrown tree roots clog and overflow your toilets inside the building!

Commercial drain problems are mundane and inconvenient to deal with, but if left unaddressed, the situation can only worsen. It’s time to call in the professionals for quick action for the following problems:

Pipe Sagging

Does your area feature loose soil? A common plumbing issue in such areas is pipe sagging or bellying. This happens when the ground shifts around the pipe line and causes major damage to the entire system.

At worst, bellying can misalign the pipe, causing a low point in which waste collects. This results in obstruction of wastewater flow through the pipe and frequent backups!

An extended period of wastewater obstruction can cause cracks to appear on the pipe, which should be dealt with quickly!

Lime Scale Buildup

Lime scale buildup is inevitable for any part of the plumbing system dealing with water but only if the water property is hard.

Usually lime scale buildup treatment is limited to freshwater pipes, considering the importance of soft water for survival. However, lime scale buildup still brings with it a lot of problems for the residential or commercial sewer line.

What is the worst that can happen? Lime scale deposits can easily restrict water flow through the pipes, causing slow drainage and backups.

Additionally, lime scale buildup isn’t good for health and should be immediately removed from pipes.

Non-Organic Waste

People don’t realize their drain and sewer system is only designed to deal with organic waste, specific biodegradable materials (toilet paper) and waste water. And yet, it isn’t unusual to find foreign items dumped down the drain. Some of us do this accidentally; yet there are many in your building who despite warnings and instructions, may still flush other items down the toilet.

Throwing pens, coins, and other such items will clog the entire system.

The other scenario is restricted flow of water which will cause problems for everyone in the building or home.

The importance of prompt drain cleaning and repair has now been understood. Take action by calling professional drain cleaning services in westchester county for your business or home.

Westchester-based Leema Plumbing offers prompt emergency assistance and services for all plumbing issues, whether commercial or residential. Call the experts and get to work!

