How Much I Made After Writing 24 Consecutive Days

Leendert Coenen
3 min readDec 28, 2023
How Much I Made After Writing 24 Consecutive Days

In short the answer is 0$, I posted all of these articles for free on different platforms. Hoping to help someone out there to solve the Advent of Cyber 2023 challenges with a bit more ease.


Medium Stats

I went from 180 views to 6800 views. Which is considerably more, but I suppose in line with the amount of articles I have written.

Most viewers found me through Google, meaning that all traffic generated was from people looking for TryHackMe write ups.

Atleast that’s my best guess. I was expecting traffic from LinkedIn as well, since I was posting a link to the Medium Article everyday. But it is very possible, that that traffic from LinkedIn is counted as

Traffic Source Stats

Something I can’t explain is the number of views per post. I was expecting the posts about harder topics to be more viewed than the posts that were short and easy.



Leendert Coenen

Writing about Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security, Python and Self-Development