Try Hack me — Advent Of Cyber 2023 Day 18 Write Up — A Gift That Keeps on Giving

Leendert Coenen
2 min readDec 18, 2023


Room: Advent of Cyber 2023 Day 18

Try Hack me — Advent Of Cyber 2023 Day 18 Write Up — A Gift That Keeps on Giving


It shouldn’t come as a suprise that someone named McGreedy, will use company resources to mine cryptocurrency.

I can’t exactly explain why, but I like learning more about linux. The learning curve is a bit steep, but oh so powerfull when mastered.

Task 1: What is the name of the service that respawns the process after killing it?

Keeping it quite short in the tasks today, since the TryHackMe write up has all you need!

If it doesn’t, let me know where you got stuck!

systemctl list-unit-files

Ctrl + c to get out of this.

Task 2: What is the path from where the process and service were running?

systemctl stop [REDACTED].service

This does do the trick and kills off the service completly.

Happy Hacking!

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Leendert Coenen

Writing about Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security, Python and Self-Development