Day 281: Unlocking two other achievements with @ThisIsMetis in New York

2 min readOct 11, 2017


I know I wrote already about my work in New York, especially on Demystifying Data Science, but there were some other professional milestones I achieved as well during that time.

Training Day for a New Employee

While I’ve managed before as a project leader or by running my own company, but this is technically my first experience training and overseeing people within a fully corporate context.

No matter what anyone tells you, there’s nothing to fully prepare you for the variety of personalities, experiences, and emotions you’ll encounter when you’re a manager. I’ve learned from some great managers in the past to employ an “inverted pyramid” philosophy.

Wanna know more about it? Just watch “Leaders Eat Last.”

Teaching a course inspired by Game of Thrones

I did this.

I’ve wanted to do this course for months, and finally I created a deadline that created an MVP version of this lesson. While a couple of people showed up, nearly 200 people watched my lesson online, and some expressed that I create more. I’m quite tempted to do so, indeed.

Why did I do this? I learn by teaching. That said, can’t take away from those who learned a lot by learning — maybe someday I’ll be among them.

While this wasn’t the first time I’ve ever taught a course for work, much less a data science course, it was perhaps the most fun and engaging effort by far. You can check it out here, though it needs more updating here and there (give me a few days or so.)



Next up: about that trip to upstate New York I took in the middle of the night…

— Lee

