Day 69: The Ascetic Life — Sea-Based Animals (4/7)

2 min readMar 10, 2017

Okay, so… I may be totally not doing well on this one lately. It’s even debatable as to whether I’ve given them up at all, given that I’ve not turned down enough opportunities to eat the bounty of the sea to qualify myself as a true vegan.

It’s perhaps most accurate to describe me as a pescatarian at this point. (Not a pesca-pescatarian — that’s actually super risky for developing mercury poisoning.) However, it’s something I’d like to change out of principle.

Why would I like to do this?

Gosh, I don’t even know. I know that fish farming is quite barbaric, and seriously, mercury poisoning is not an illness I am eager to acquire. Certainly, overfishing is a major concern as well, as most fish stocks may disappear within 25 years or less.


Why is this so hard for me to do?

I. Love. Sushi.

It’s my favorite food, by far. I developed an entire fascination with Japanese culture as a kid because I took my first bite into a sushi roll. Recently, I spent some time with a few friends at a conveyor sushi belt restaurant, and unlike eating steak or chicken, every bite was bliss to me.

