Don’t cry about EdgeHTML.

1 min readDec 5, 2018


I was very happy to hear, that we could get a new browser with Blink-Engine for Windows. Everything that kills Internet Explorer is fine for me. Edge didn’t do it. But why are people crying about EdgeHTML?


  • Windows only
  • not Open Source
  • not used from a lot of people

It’s not even a browser engine everybody can use in other projects. It’s a closed source browser. There are other open source engines: WebKit, Gecko.

Do we really need more implementation of a HTML standard? How is this going to change the web ecosystem?

If someone criticize that Chromium/Blink on Windows it’s often Chrome only, that’s fine and a problem. But don’t cry over Microsofts closed source browser engine. To really compete with other the browser engine (and even then they should do the same things like the specification) you have to open source your code.

It could be a good thing, if Microsoft builds a Chromium/Blink browser for Windows which is not Chrome.

