Work via proxy in AdsPower

3 min readApr 25, 2023


Did you know that most experts in Internet marketing and e-commerce use specialized browsers? This tool has long been popular in performing tasks that require a high level of anonymity on the Internet.
This is most often required when working with multi-accounts on e-commerce resources, social networks, launching advertisements and interacting with other target services.
And, of course, usage of these browsers is impossible to imagine without proxy-server configuration to change IP address

What is AdsPower?

AdsPower is a Chromium-based user-friendly and multifunctional antidetect-browser. You can effectively organize and automate work on projects requiring creation of many unique profiles with it. AdsPower includes a number of features to adjust the identity:

Language and time zone;
UserAgent header;
Screen resolution;
Proxy servers;
Customized DNS;

In addition to creating anonymous personalities, AdsPower provides a wide range of additional features designed to make it simpler to work and speed up routine processes.

Platforms Control Panel. Manage social media accounts, work with internet payment systems, run ads — all in one browser with convenient navigation.

Teamwork capability. Create groups of users under your command, flexibly configure access rights and synchronize work processes through cloud storage.

Automatized work with social networks. Perform regular operations with account packages in one-click . You don’t have to login in every single one of them!

High-quality technical support. Contact us for any questions you may have. Our specialists will help to understand any technical or financial difficulties.

The key function of AdsPower is convenient work with proxies. Below we describe the procedure for setting up a mobile proxy-server from LeetSox. There you will find a short video guide for this procedure.

How to configure proxy-server in AdsPower browser?

You need to select a proxy and get the authorization data before starting the configuration. We will use mobile proxies as the best way to work with demanding target resources. To get a proxy you can buy it.

After receiving a proxy, activate it and set LOG/PASS authorization.

We’ll need this page later, when configuring, you will need to copy IP, PORT, Login and Password

AdsPower can be downloaded from the official website. The browser is available for Windows and MacOS. Installing a browser is similar to other applications on your system.

To start with an application, you must follow a simple registration procedure that is similar to other resources. After successfully logging on to your account, you will be redirected in the user’s panel, where you can start to configure the proxy instantly

The configuration starts with the United Import button. Clicking on it opens the Profile Configuration Window. You just need to fill a few fields in the configuration window

The first field is the account platform. Specify the address of the target resource or select one of the displayed options.

Now directly to the proxy. Select the type of it, We recommend you to use Socks5 with mobile proxies.

The final step of the setup is to fill in the connection data. Copy it from your personal LeetSox account. After filling all four fields, use the “Check Proxy” button to make sure the connection is working.

Pressing the OK button completes the creation of an anonymous profile.

After it, a new anonymous profile will be available in the control panel. The Open button will help you run the browser under this profile.

Done! Work in the browser via mobile proxy is now configured!

For those who prefer video instruction, we have prepared a short clip to help you understand more quickly the interface of the personal account and the AdsPower panel.




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