My name is Joe Truax (please call me Joe, not Mr. Truax), and I just started writing in July of 2023. I love it so much! I'm bringing to light the things that need to be spoken about so that change can come about. We live in a very hard world and my objective is to help people unite and thrive. The world needs better, and the articles in this profile are a guide to that better world.

In November of 2022, I founded GuyCry on Reddit. Within 60 days, we had 35,000 members. This is a men's mental health support network like nothing before it. There is a clear need for mental health support and I took the bull by the horns and established precedence. We are the safest space in internet history for men, and we are tackling the suicide rate.

My credentials:

My work has been featured in Newsweek, I have had two interviews done with Authority Magazine (Mental Health Champion and Being a Leader in Authenticity and Vulnerablity and my most recent interview is for being a Social Impact Hero), this is an RTV6 nightly news special for my free mechanics class for teenagers, I have 3 fiscally sponsored nonprofits all being prepped to do great things for this planet (Kindest Kids, Nifty Automotive Know-How (here is the TikTok for Nifty as well) and GuyCry), I had an awesomely successful unplanned GoFundMe happen (here are some of the original videos on Yahoo News from Newsflare) and I have been recognized for my global contributions to society; I'm an Elite American Executive. Here and here are some screenshots of what people think of my work. I am currently in the midst of setting up in-person group meetings for men called "Legacies of Men" ( - under construction) which helps men become unburdened so as to improve their mental health, as well as help them become men that people want to remember.

I have a bunch of other projects that I have been working on for the past 15 years. They will all be completed soon. I'm patiently waiting for the day to come when my works gain public recognition. When that day comes, whew... life for many will change.

My mission:

With misogynistic influencers being the predominant role models these days, something needs to give. I'm trying to bring the world back from the precipice of disaster. We are at a point in human history where growth is stagnant and men and women are becoming worse and worse each day. AND IT'S BEING ACCEPTED! Nope, not on my watch. I hope to be the role model the younger generations need so that we can get on track to love and peace. I don't take sides in anything other than good vs bad. What the world thinks is good is oftentimes actually bad. People don't have trained consciences; they are being raised to hate. The media is allowing this hate to thrive as well, and I won't stand for it anymore. If you are a good person, my team is the one to be on. I am actively making things happen and it's all coming together as we speak.

Against all odds...

People with my past don't normally get the opportunities that I am being afforded. As you can see from my mugshots above, I have come from the dirt; in deep poverty my entire life, a drug addict of 27 years, having faced adversity that takes most peoples lives. But I never let that hold me still. I keep climbing and crashing through walls and barriers. Not going around them; going through them. I guess that is because the power of my ideology is so incredibly awesome, that nothing is able stop it. And believe me, people have tried. My Reddit account is probably the only account in the history of Reddit to have been permanently suspended 3 times and reinstated 3 times. That doesn't happen even once for most people... I have been cyberbullied and slandered so much, yet I'm still going. A group of individuals has been making a desperate attempt to make me out to be some kind of scammer, but their operation has been shut down after 7 months of persistent attacks. When you are doing good things, hate will always want to stop it. But if you are ever wondering about my character, just read this comment from a long-time member of GuyCry.

Something is pushing what I'm doing along, and the ride is just beginning. The world has never seen anything like what I have in store for it. Peace among people of goodwill is right around the corner. If you are a good person, follow me because I'm taking us places. My love for humanity is making it so.

By the way, I'm not a life coach and I don't get paid for what I do. I find great joy in helping people live better lives. When I do start making money, it will be as an equal to the workers of the workers co-op that I've designed, which will run in parallel to capitalism. When that day comes, those involved will have the best quality of life because I won't be taking a CEO's salary. The money I would've made will go right back to the employees because we all deserve thriving living conditions, not just those at the top. I hate greed. I hate capitalism. Those that build their businesses off the backs of others will never be allowed to participate in what I'm building. I spread love, not misery. Classism has to go, and we are bringing the change this world needs.

Be prepared...

There is no stopping what's coming. There are 3 choices here; the good, the fence, or the bad; and the bad owns the fence. Come be a part of history. Yeah, I write tuff, but I mean everything I say. Believe that. I have nothing but love in my heart for those that deserve love.

Joe Truax

Joe Truax

I lead an anti-misogynistic loving and kind 38,000 member men's mental health movement. My about section here says sooooo much about my mindset.