The Biggest Mistakes Brands Make Using Location Based Advertising

Legacy Business Partners
3 min readSep 28, 2023


Introduction: The Power and Potential of Location-Based Advertising

In today’s digital era, where data reigns supreme, location-based advertising offers brands an avenue to connect with their audience like never before. But with great power comes great responsibility.

Understanding Location-Based Advertising

Simply put, location based advertising involves using a person’s physical location to serve them specific ads or offers. This advertising strategy hinges on precision, relevance, and timing.

The Promise: Benefits of Getting it Right

Real-time engagement

Location based advertising can enable brands to interact with potential customers in real time, providing offers when they’re most relevant.


By understanding where someone is, brands can cater offers and messages tailored specifically to that individual’s context.

Enhanced user experience

Users get the benefit of seeing advertisements that are pertinent to their current environment and needs, elevating their overall experience.

The Pitfall: Brands Missing the Mark

While the premise is promising, many brands stumble, making common mistakes that can be costly.

Mistake #1: Not Respecting Privacy

Data collection concerns

Privacy is paramount. Brands that overlook this essential aspect risk alienating their audience.

The importance of opt-in systems

Offering users an opt-in system for sharing their location ensures transparency and trustworthiness.

Mistake #2: Overloading with Ads

Understanding ad fatigue

Too much of anything is never good. Constant ad bombardments can lead to disengagement.

Quality over quantity

It’s crucial for brands to focus on sending impactful messages rather than a sheer volume of ads.

Mistake #3: Irrelevant Content

Know your audience

Generic ads are a misstep. Each advertisement should be crafted with a specific audience in mind.

The art of timely promotions

Advertisements should not only be location-relevant but also time-relevant.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Local Culture and Sensitivities

Every region has its own set of values and norms. Overlooking these can lead to unintentional blunders.

Mistake #5: Relying Solely on Geolocation Data

The value of contextual data

Understanding the surrounding environment and the user’s behavior adds depth to location data.

Beyond the pin on a map

Location-based advertising is more than just knowing where someone is — it’s about understanding their context.

Mistake #6: Lack of Integrated Strategy

Why location-based advertising shouldn’t stand alone

Such advertising should be a part of a larger, cohesive marketing strategy to be most effective.

The holistic marketing approach

Integrating multiple channels and strategies ensures a seamless user experience.

Mistake #7: Not Testing and Optimizing Campaigns

The significance of A/B testing

Regular testing offers insights into what works and what doesn’t.

Learning from analytics

Data-driven insights help brands fine-tune their strategies for maximum impact.

Mistake #8: Poor Timing

The golden hour of advertising

This refers to the optimal time to send out ads for the highest engagement.

Avoiding disruptive moments

Intruding at the wrong time can be more damaging than not advertising at all.

Mistake #9: Ignoring Feedback and Reviews

Customer voices provide invaluable feedback, helping brands refine their strategies.

Mistake #10: Underestimating the Power of Content

Engaging visuals and narratives

Well-crafted content can make or break an advertisement’s success.

Storytelling through ads

Creating a narrative draws users in, making the ad more memorable.

Strategies to Avoid These Mistakes

Continuous learning

The advertising landscape is ever-evolving. Brands must stay updated to remain relevant.

Customer-centric approach

Placing customers at the heart of the strategy ensures their needs are always met.

Leveraging brands insights

Understanding past successes and failures can guide future strategies.

The Success Stories: Brands Who Nailed it

Success isn’t elusive. Numerous brands have harnessed the power of location-based advertising with stellar results.

The Cautionary Tales: Lessons from Brands Who Faltered

Mistakes, while unfortunate, offer invaluable lessons. Here, we explore a few brands that missed the mark and what we can learn from them.

Conclusion: The Path Forward for Brands

Location-based advertising, when done right, can be transformative. By avoiding common pitfalls and focusing on customer-centric strategies, brands can unlock their full potential.

Further Reading and Resources

For those eager to delve deeper, here’s a curated list of resources to expand your understanding.

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