Understanding How Arizona’s Child Custody Laws Impact Fathers

Legal News and Opinion Articles
3 min readMar 16, 2023


Child custody laws in Arizona are complicated and varied. They can have a profound impact on both parents, including the father. Fathers who are going through a divorce or separation may find themselves facing difficult decisions regarding the custody of their children. This article will outline the child custody laws in Arizona, how they may impact the father, and how fathers can best protect their rights during a divorce or separation.

Overview of Child Custody Laws in Arizona

In Arizona, child custody is known as “legal decision-making” and “parenting time.” The court will decide the legal decision-making and parenting time for each parent, taking into account the best interests of the child. One parent may be awarded sole legal decision-making and parenting time, or the court may issue a joint legal decision-making order with both parents having equal or different parenting time. The court will consider a variety of factors when making its decision, including the wishes of the child, the parent’s ability to cooperate and communicate, the child’s adjustment to their home, school, and community, and any history of domestic violence or abuse.

Impact of Child Custody Laws on the Father

Child custody laws in Arizona can have a significant impact on the father. In some cases, the father may be awarded sole legal decision-making and parenting time. In other cases, the court may issue a joint legal decision-making order with both parents having equal or different parenting time. In some cases, the court may award sole legal decision-making and parenting time to the mother. While this can be difficult for the father, it is important to remember that the court always makes its decisions based on what is in the best interests of the child. The court may also consider the father’s ability to cooperate and communicate with the mother when making its decision. If the father is able to demonstrate that he can cooperate and communicate in a respectful manner, he may be awarded joint legal decision-making and parenting time.

Protecting the Father’s Rights

It is important for fathers to protect their rights during a divorce or separation. Fathers should be aware of their rights under the law and work with an experienced family law attorney who can help them understand the child custody laws in Arizona and protect their rights. Fathers should also be prepared to provide evidence to the court to demonstrate why they should be awarded legal decision-making and parenting time. This can include information such as the father’s ability to cooperate and communicate with the mother, the father’s relationship with the child, and any history of domestic violence or abuse.


Child custody laws in Arizona can have a significant impact on the father. Fathers should be aware of their rights and work with an experienced family law attorney to protect their rights. Fathers should also be prepared to provide evidence to the court to demonstrate why they should be awarded legal decision-making and parenting time. By understanding the child custody laws in Arizona and how they may impact the father, fathers can ensure that their rights are protected during a divorce or separation.


Arizona Department of Child Safety. (2021). Legal Decision-Making and Parenting Time. Retrieved from https://dcs.az.gov/legal-decision-making-and-parenting-time Arizona Supreme Court. (2021). Custody and Parenting Time. Retrieved from https://www.azcourts.gov/self-help/FamilyLaw/CustodyParentingTime Snell & Wilmer. (2021). Arizona Child Custody Laws. Retrieved from https://www.swlaw.com/resources/arizona-child-custody-laws

Additional References: https://www.chmlaw.com/family-law-overview/child-custody-lawyer/



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