Business Ops Lessons for Crypto Project Founders

1 min readSep 6, 2021


By Guest Writer: Ryan J Kris from Verida

Getting a startup off the ground is not always an easy feat, especially when it comes to crypto-related ventures. With blockchain technology still in its infancy, crypto startups face various financial, regulatory, and operational challenges that impact their success.

In this article, I share some lessons for founders working in operations in crypto startups. Most of this advice is based on my journey at Verida this year, where I’ve been focusing on four main areas; capital raising, finance, team, and governance. The guidance might not be exhaustive since working in a startup calls for involvement in many other areas, but it provides some helpful tips on how to take your crypto startup in the right direction. If you’re in a COO, Head of Operations, or Business Manager type role, read on.

The Capital Raise

There are plenty of online resources with informative articles on capital raising strategies, best practices, and personal founder experiences. Make sure you seek them out. Here are four key things that specifically helped Verida.

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