Digital Identity in Blockchain

1 min readSep 20, 2021


Although there are many initiatives and steps already taken towards the improvement of identity and identification in the business world that try to incorporate Blockchain as a disruptive technology, the truth is that the traditional problem of identification through centralized entities has not been successful; an equanimously agreed answer or solution has yet to be found.

Personal identity is one of the Fundamental Rights recognized internationally by a large catalog of norms and agreements; The European Convention on Human Rights (arts. 7 and 8), in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (art.12), and more contemporary, the European General Data Protection Regulation and the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee Digital Rights have managed to establish themselves in Spain as our archetypal pillars capable of defining a regulatory body where respect for privacy and the protection of personal data are the central nucleus.

To better understand the collision between the Blockchain and different legislations, we recommend reading this analysis where we covered the problematic. It seems that, after the recent positive attitude adopted by several international bodies and opinions from different countries, a possible clearer solution might be a real manifestation soon.

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