#HackTheJustice: the ideas competition to improve Spanish Justice through #LegalTech now open for entries

If you have an idea to improve justice through technology, you can submit it, win a prize, and materialize it during the hackathon that will take place this year in November. During the whole summer, any citizen willing to do so can participate to the ideas competition that has been launched by the Instituto de Innovación Legal in the framework of its program Justiapps #HackTheJustice.

Many people complain about problems in the Justice system, but very few take some time to think about possible solutions, and even fewer take the step to go from the idea to the action and effectively build the solution. This is why the Instituto de Innovación Legal has endeavored, with the second edition of the program Justiapps #HackTheJustice, to call all those who have a good idea to improve justice that can be materialized with technology to enroll in the competition.

Apart from the prizes, winners will be entitled to participate to the hackathon #HackTheJustice that will take place in November where, along with legal and tech professionals, they will be able to transform their idea into a tangible reality.

For this second edition, all the ideas submitted to the competition must fit in one of the following categories: inclusive justice, accessibility and understanding of legal documents, improvement of the functioning of the Justice system, tools to support legal professionals, cybersecurity, conflict resolution, data protection, fight vs gender violence, and e-commerce legal security.

The jury made of sponsors, tech and legal experts, will vote for the best ideas that will receive a prize and enter the next phase: hackathon. Criteria for selection will be originality of the idea, importance of the problem it intends to solve, chances of success of the technological development, etc.

In order to participate, it is important to read and accept the legal basis of the competition and to fill in the form on the Instituto de Innovation Legal website before September, 30th. There is also a special category for students, who are the only ones who can participate as a team (two students and a teacher). Inscriptions are to be done here: http://institutodeinnovacionlegal.com/justiapps2017/concurso-de-ideas-2/(all in Spanish, sorry…)

Justiapps #HackTheJustice is a program organized by the Instituto de Innovación Legal to promote legaltech entrepreneurship, to create an ecosystem where technology and law empower each other, and to involve citizens in the strengthening of the Spanish rule-of-law state and in building a better justice. It is made by a series of events and activities such as the four Innotech Debates (two have taken place already, one on Client Experience in Law Firms and another on How to build apps for lawyers), a Forum on Justice and Open Data, this ideas competition for students and citizens, the hackathon, and the incubation of the resulting projects.

The program Justiapps #HackTheJustice is sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Justice, Thomson Reuters, Everis, Amazon, Ilunion, KPMG Abogados, Spanish Association of Telecom Engineers, tuAppbogado, Docxpresso and BBVA, and supported by many institutions as Novagob, Fide, Madrid Bar Association and the Centro Universitario Villanueva. It was officially inaugurated on May 29th at the Ministry of Justice Headquarters in Madrid.

For more Info, please visit: www.institutodeinnovacionlegal.com/justiapps2017/



Instituto de Innovacion Legal IIL

Fostering innovation & nurturing the ecosystem to promote more legaltech through training, hackathon, events, consulting & IT developments.