Small Child Killed by Dogs During Zoo Visit

The Legal Post
3 min readOct 11, 2014

In an unbelievable and horrific turn of events, a toddler fell into an exhibit of the African painted dog and was mauled to death. Somehow, the 3 year old boy managed to fall over the 14 foot tall railing at the Pittsburgh Zoo. Witnesses watched in helpless horror as the emergency response team went to work.

The zoo officials fired darts at the dogs to scare them away from the boy to no avail. As a pack of hunters, they were set on their prey. But the officials continued their onslaught, eventually getting all but one of the dogs away from the boy. The final animal, refusing to relent, had to be shot by the police.

Unfortunately, despite their quick reaction and determination, the zoo wasn’t able to get the EMTs into the exhibit in time. The boy died at the scene. The child was visiting the zoo with his mother and family friends. His identity has not been disclosed.

The African painted dog exhibit has been in place for eight years. The Pittsburgh Zoo will be closed until further notice. There is an ongoing investigation.

Treating Dog Bites

Dog bites and attacks can result in serious injury, rabies and worse. They require immediate medical and legal attention. If there is bleeding, pressure should be applied right away. Wounds can be washed thoroughly with soap and warm water if it’s available. Be sure to rinse the wound for several minutes to remove all soap. A disinfectant can also be utilized.

Legal Recourse in the Event of Dog Bites

If possible, someone needs to record the incident as soon as possible. This usually ends up being the police or animal services. But if there is someone who can clearly gather information right away, they should. The details will be needed for the paperwork. Vitals include date and time of the attack, identity of person attacked and any witnesses, if the person attacked has a rabies vaccination, special circumstances, identity of dog owner if known and time and date of owner notification.

Every dog attack has to be treated with the same urgency. Each incident is viewed the same by Pennsylvania authorities. Every attack has to be reported to Animal Control, who then implement necessary actions. This may start with an Order of Quarantine and could include removal or return of the dog to its owners, or euthanasia.

There can be serious long term repercussions. Victims need to take into account potential rehabilitation, loss of wages, compiling medical bills, out of pocket expenses and more. A lot of victims end up with irreparable injuries, like a bad limp. That will mean continued medical costs, future treatment, and not to the emotional duress.

In a lot cases, dog bites are the direct responsibility of an owner. In these cases, the law holds the pet’s actions against the owner. Proving that the dangerous situation was the result of careless or reckless behavior will require the deft hand of a legal professional knowledgeable of laws regarding dogs in Pennsylvania. Rest assured that if you deserve both legal recognition and compensation, insurance companies and owners will use every resource at their disposal to diminish their responsibility. They will even find ways to use the law to hold you responsible for the attack.

Only skilled representation will ensure a victim’s rights are protected from insurance companies and overzealous dog owners.

