
2 min readJan 22, 2018


The Legatum Foundation’s mission is to create pathways from poverty to prosperity, see lives and communities transformed and donors experiencing the power of service and the joy of giving. Inspired by the belief that every life is of infinite value — and guided by their investment principles — Legatum seeks to demonstrate that the most powerful change agent of all is not money but empowered individuals working together to improve their wellbeing.

For over a decade, the Foundation has funded over 1,500 small, community-based organisations across the developing world, addressing unmet needs. Through these efforts, it not only attempts to ameliorate circumstances, but also tries to catalyse transformation for people, their families and community. Each of its projects, which typically last between three and five years, aims to reduce barriers to opportunity and ignite hope.

The Foundation looks for projects which offer the possibility of improvements to the whole system, not simply in one place. It aims to honour the dignity of the voiceless and vulnerable in society, not as people defined by their poverty, but as people with great potential.

Over the years , the Legatum Foundation has originated, incubated and scaled ground-breaking interventions that tackle some of the biggest challenges of our generation, which include the END Fund, to control and eliminate NTDs; the Freedom Fund, to combat modern slavery; the Luminos Fund, to get out-of-school children back into school and learning; the Legatum Institute, a think tank which focuses on shaping the values, ideas and policies which will transform society and see all people prosper; and the Legatum Center at MIT, to create principled leaders who want to change the world. These philanthropic investment funds are dedicated charitable funding vehicles open to external investors. Operating with the discipline of an investment fund, our aim is to mobilise hundreds of millions of dollars to scale up proven interventions globally.

The Legatum Foundation’s ultimate goal is to stimulate a paradigm shift in philanthropy, creating an open, transparent and vibrant marketplace for ideas with greater accountability and more efficient ways to ensure that investment delivers the best outcomes.

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Legatum is a private investment partnership with a 30 year heritage of global investment, allocating proprietary capital to businesses.