Legendary Knights NFT
3 min readJul 28, 2023

Our minting process is composed by 3 phases, within which you will be able to access different amounts of Knights. This is designed so that all those previously involved in the project, people within the list of legends, and the public mint have an orderly and pleasant experience.

It is important to mention that all phases are totally free, the only difference is the amount of NFTs that participants will be able to mint. It is also worth mentioning that all processes are subject to the same contract, which is developed with Bueno. Ensuring a good quality of mint and the safety of all our holders.


The first phase of our mint will be done by the Legendary Knights team, which includes Xavs, Meboo and Paranoid, as well as our project’s vault.

Both the team and the vault have a specific number of tokens that can be minted, committing publicly that, in case that some of the team members within their Knights is revealed a 1/1 this same token will be given to the community through a fair dynamic.

The amounts to mint by the vault and the team members are established as follows:

Xavs: 33 knights

Meboo: 33 knights

Paranoid: 33 knights

Vault: 157 Knights

All the Knights that are inside our vault are destined to look for collaborations with other projects, to be able to give away and reward the community. In case our vault gets a 1/1 it will be automatically raffled by the project.

The Knights that are mint by the members of the team are to reward their effort and work, being their property and with the freedom to use their Nfts as they want. In case of mint a 1/1 the team member will be forced to donate it to the vault to be destined to a new owner belonging to the community.


As we have always expressed, this project was born from an impulse of another project THE RANDOMS.

So all the members of THE RANDOMS, and the rest of the grantees will benefit from the possibility of mining automatically as members of the List of Legends.

The List of Legends is made up of all the members who have supported the project since the beginning.

The members of the List will have the possibility to mint 10 Knights by wallet, this is because our project has a responsibility to the people who have trusted us, so we wanted to return this trust with the possibility of get more NFTs than in the public sale.


The public sale is the last phase, in this phase any wallet will be able to mint to a maximum of 5 knights.

Once the project has been sold out, you can only get NFTs from our collection through the secondary market.



Legendary Knights NFT

A collection of lost souls ready to serve their masters and protect them on their way through the web.