The essential use of Legionella Water Filters in hospitals

2 min readJan 19, 2018


Pure and clean water is essential for a healthy living. Water is consumed for variety of reasons by people everywhere in homes, offices, schools, hospitals and factories. Given the importance of using clean water to prevent health issues, necessary steps should be taken to ensure the quality of water. Water distributed in houses, schools and hospital may contain contaminants such as bacteria, harmful chemicals and compounds which makes water unsafe to use.
Legionella bacteria is one of the most common type of bacteria found in water that causes legionnaires disease. People who are infected by legionella bacteria suffer from fever, flu, vomiting and diarrhea. Legionella filters for hospitals are being used due to increased number of legionella bacteria presence in hospitals and nursing homes.

Hospitals are very sensitive places as patients are either receiving immediate care or recovering from their illness. The patients include people from all ages like elderly, mature people to kids. Legionella filters for hospitals should be placed to provide patients and staff with quality water and prevent them to get further illnesses due to bacteria present in water.

Legionella bacteria may be present in the water distributed in hospitals and patients, their families and even nursing staff may be affected by the bacteria by either drinking the contaminated water or inhaling the droplets of water containing the bacteria. Legionella filters for hospitals should be placed at intensive care units, patients’ washroom and humidifiers. The water filters not only remove the harmful bacteria and other microorganisms but also improve the taste and quality of water.

Legionella filters for hospitals are cost effective solution that can improve the health of patients and keep them safe from acquiring other illnesses. The water filters can easily be placed on the water source.

