
3 min readDec 18, 2017


Hello, my names Nathaniel Moorer and as a writer I do not think I am that great. This semester I had to do the most writing I have ever done. In the start I felt confident that if I had a topic that inspired me that I would be able to write all day about it and the writing would be endless. So I choose wealth inequality because I can talk all day about it, and I liked the directions the conversation could go. Ultimately it resulted in me advocating for the redistribution of wealth from a persuasive argument of valuing time. I could have took it towards independent financial responsibility and tried to educate an audience or took it to universal basic income and the research on it. But over all the message I wanted to get out is to value your time. As an economics major optimization is as natural to me as breathing. Since I advocate for more redistribution of wealth, I do agree that universal basic income could be an answer that allows others to optimize their time and value it. Before I could get to answers of how to redistribute wealth, as a writer, I had to place an importance on the current effects of wealth inequality. Also as an economist, I wanted to be true with my knowledge as far as it is now. Researching these papers had helped me find a problem that as an economist I could find the answers to.

My writing this semester has probably improved. I caught myself writing sentences and thinking about the sentence structure of it maybe two times this semester. This has probably because as we edited throughout the semester I learned little details. When I write I often do not go back and edit, mostly because writing frustrates me. I have had a lot of feedback throughout my life advising to proof read my work after. My struggle as a writer is I find it inefficient, I can articulate my thought and ideas faster than I can write them. This frustrates me because as I write I think in fragments rather than complete thoughts. I prefer to have a conversation rather than write, although writing is important to pass ideas through time. My proudest writing this semester is my article on minimum wage that argued for an increase in the minimum wage. I feel that was more natural of a conversation for me. I struggle on writing a lot because I want to move on to the next idea. At times I feel the idea its self doesn't need further explanation and I just want to get to my conclusion.

In economics the conversation is still needed, and there has to be solid evidence to support the conclusion. I often find myself watching economist talk on a panel about an idea such as “The future of Macroeconomics”. I see myself presenting on one of these panels or going to these panels rather than writing about these topics. I have considered that I will probably have to write about any topic I study in economics but I am hoping to have an intern do that. I like reading and thinking about the topics. I think this could be a strong suit in my journey through economics because I would enjoy applying what Ive learned from the research. After researching the wealth inequality through America I think I found a problem that could be solved. Researching into the redistribution of wealth and applying what we know is where I would excel.




Hi there, I am just an economics student interested in income inequality.