How To Increase Your Vertical Jump At Home( fastest and most effective)

You can totally Jump Higher Without Lifting Weights.

hằng lê
10 min readJun 24, 2021

How to increase your vertical jump? Yes, regardless of whether you are a professional basketball player (volleyball, too) or simply someone who wants to improve his performance and slam dunk in front of his friends, increasing the height of your vertical leap is something you should consider.

WARNING: Long post ahead. I won’t be offended if you skim it. But if you want to understand how I can increase my vertical jump by 10 inches and see how you can benefit from it yourself, you’ll want to read the whole thing.

Today, the goal of this post is to help you save a lot of time in increasing your vertical leap by avoiding all of my previous mistakes.

How to increase your vertical jump in 9 weeks( my dunk now)

Let’s me introduce a little bit about myself so you can understand that if i can do,you also . Well, I was born in Viet Nam- the country has the fourth shortest people in the world.

The average height of Vietnamese men is 165.1 centimeters, according to the World Population Review. However, luckily I am 178 centimeters but I still belong to the difficult group ( 5’7”- 5’9”) if I want to dunk. I need to jump around 35 inches high to dunk.

Honestly, basketball has been also bloomed in my country in the last 15 years but dunking is not popular here because you certainly know that, dunking is so hard and it requires many factors tightly combined together. Even Klay Thomson, the super star of GSW, with all his usual self-effacing charm, doesn’t mind admitting something many NBA players would be loath to say: Dunking is super hard.

More than ever, I believe the main reason is our height, and in Vietnam, I swear you won’t find any advanced vertical jump training programs or professional coaches to help you improve your vertical jump. It’s unfortunate, but true.

Returning to my problem, I have a strong belief that if I could shake the rim, I would be the person who turned the table from sitting on the bench to becoming a star in my team (dunking is extremely rare in my country). My maximum vertical jump at the start was 26 inches; I need to gain another 9 inches to achieve my goal.

What I did to Add Instant Inches to my vertical quickly without lifting weights.

My journey began on January 11, 2020. In summary, after spending a year researching and attempting to implement various methods for increasing my vertical jump, I can confidently state that Plyometric exercises are the KEY to Increase your vertical jump fast. If you stick with me, you won’t have to spend more than a year looking for the right method.

Plyometric -the secret to jump higher at home.

Jumping higher is, as you may know, a matter of practice. Everyone can improve their jump strength by consistently training their muscle fibers. If you follow the plyometrics procedure, you can add as much as 10–12 inches without too much trouble.

The majority of NBA players have vertical jumps ranging from 28 to 34 inches. Strength and power training are required to achieve the best vertical leap. Squats, lunges, and step ups are examples of slow, controlled movements. Power exercises require explosive, quick moves like those need for plyometrics and power cleans. Plyometrics are explosive bounding, hopping and jumping drills. They blend strength and speed. Plyometric exercises boost strength and explosive power while decreasing reaction time. Finally, practicing your maximum vertical jump will do work.

5 Reasons Why You Should Do Plyometrwics

1. Plyometrics teach the brain and central nervous system how to fire muscles quickly and efficiently, resulting in immediate and significant training results. This method allows you to learn quickly!

2. Because plyometric exercises are closely related to actual vertical jumping, they teach the “skill” of vertical jumping better than pure strength training.

3. Low injury risk compared to heavy weightlifting exercises

4. High-intensity plyometric exercises also train strength

5. Bodyweight exercises can be performed without expensive equipment.

Misunderstood about plyometrics that prevents you from Increasing your vertical jump.

When it comes to plyometrics, people immediately think about jumping. This isn’t always the case! “A plyometric involves jumping, but not all jumping is a plyometric.” — Dr Yessis. If you guys don’t know who he is, he’s the doctor that translated all Russian exercise science documents and ultimately brought Yuri Verkoshansky’s plyometrics (Shock Method) to North America.

This is how you train using True Explosive Plyometrics.
A plyometric involves using the stretch-reflex, a powerful contraction from a rapid stretch. It’s not continuous slow jumping until you can’t jump any more. It needs to be stimulating reps, not to the point of exhaustion. If you get to that point, you’re training something entirely different!

This means being quick and powerful off the ground, and not doing a ton of reps. It may feel weird at first and like you can do way more, but this is where you stop.
Plyometrics are extremely taxing on the nervous system, that’s why rest is a crucial aspect to it. The sets and reps vary depending on where you’re at in training. For example, the russians were doing sets of 10 reps but resting for 5–10 minutes in between sets! Typically one that works well is 3–5 sets of 3–6 reps, stopping once you notice a drop in performance with rest periods about 2 minutes depending on your level.
Train smart!

Avoid these things to Increase Your Vertical Jump At home!

1. Too Much Plyometrics

When it comes to increasing your vertical jump, depth jumps and altitude landings appear to have almost mythical powers. Usually, the term plyometrics is used in conjunction with something stupid and overhyped, such as “secret Russian training methods.”

Now, I’m not saying that plyometrics don’t have a place in vertical jump training; they do, and it’s a very important place. What I mean is that, like anything else, there can be too much of a good thing, and when it comes to plyometrics, some is great, but too much is, well, stupid.

Plyometrics, like all forms of training, has diminishing returns. Small, selective doses used appropriately in the context of an individualised vertical jump program can produce excellent vertical jump gains, whereas large doses can overtax the joints, resulting in overuse injuries and a reduction in performance.

2. Not Enough Recovery


Basically this common mistake can happen in two ways. The first way for this to happen is when you go out and train hard, hitting the weights or doing some intense plyometrics and then instead of resting up you spend another 2 hours playing pick up games. And then you do the same thing the next day as well. The day after that, despite giving your body no time off for rest and recovery, you train hard again, and probably spend another hour or two playing.

In conclusion about plyometrics:

The same can be said for plyometric exercises, which, when done correctly, can provide a significant boost in athletic ability. Plyometrics, like heavy load strength training, has an inherent risk of injury. Achilles tendinitis and calf strains are common injuries that occur as a result of improperly prescribed programs.It must be said, the most important aspect of achieving an impressive vertical jump is not necessarily the exercises but more importantly the precise prescription and evolution of the exercises.

Basically to become a more efficient jumper you must follow a correctly prescribed plyometric jump program that titrates the optimal dosage of shock jumps. Any quality program should incorporate this movement.

>> Program uses High-intensity plyometrics to achieve maximum results in a minimal amount of time.(*affiliate link)

To create long-lasting neural pathways that are optimized for maximum explosion, a relatively high volume of plyos is required. However, with plyos there is a extremely fine line between optimal and over prescribed.

For reasons above, I will not direct you to the free exercises that are rampant on the internet because they are not organized in a systematic way. As a result, you will waste time and may sustain injuries as a result of this. If you want results quickly without hours of research and are willing to invest a few dollars in your training, you might prefer to follow a professionally designed and easy-to-follow pre-packaged vert jump program.

Also, keep in mind that not all online vertical jump programs are hyped-up scams.

Jump higher with two most famous vert training programs on the market.

Both The Jump Manual and Vert Shock do an excellent job of recommending the appropriate amount of plyometrics to help prime the athlete’s neuromuscular system for maximum jump specific force production.

(*Note: This article may contain affiliate links. If you purchase anything after clicking an affiliate link, I may receive some commission).

My honest advice: If you want to result more quickly, let’s implement Vert Shock first.

After training with both programs( I used The Jump Manual first, followed by Vert Shock), I highly recommend doing Vert Shock first (if you are new to vertical training) because my friend who have never trained before can add more inches to their vertical than me (I gained 5.5 inches after The Jump Manual and another 4.5 inches with Vert Shock, my friend gained 9 inches). Importantly, he only used Vert Shock to train. I see Vert Shock will work more effectively for begginers.

>> I would recommend 90% of athletes to do Vert Shock instead of The Jump Manual because it will deliver better and faster results.

To be clear, let’s take a look at A VERY simplified explanation of jump height


Jump Manual emphasizes force by including traditional strength exercises like the squat and deadlift. Through a variety of advanced plyometric exercises, Vert Shock emphasizes speed. One of the reasons Vert Shock lasts only 8 weeks and produces faster results is because it focuses on speed. It is much easier to significantly improve your quickness than it is to improve your strength.

Working on your quickness has the added benefit that it doesn’t require gym equipment and can be done by everybody.

PDF of Vert Shock program I followed in 9 weeks

Vert Shock works by using extremely specific high-intensity, high-impact workouts that target your nervous system, specifically the nerves in your legs.

It uses advanced plyometrics and exercises that focus strategically on your Type-2 Fibers — the fast-twitch muscle fibers.

The idea behind this method is simple…

The faster your muscles will fire, the more force you’ll be able to generate, and the higher your jump will be.

Vert Shock is the first targeted plyometric jump program designed specifically for basketball players, specifically those who want to dunk a basketball.

The Vert Shock program incorporates an explosive plyometric exercise regime that essentially “shocks” the central nervous system. Hence the term “shock training”.

This releases a chain reaction which subsequently unleashes the potential to jump higher.


Vert Shock is also ideal for beginners who do not want to learn the complexities of weight training or who do not have access to a gym or costly resistance training equipment.This program requires no weight lifting, therefore it can be conveniently completed in the location of your choice.

This makes Vert Shock the perfect choice for home based jump training.

Vert Shock also improves quickness and general athleticism, which will help you in other areas of your game. If you want to dunk a basketball, you’ll appreciate the jump technique tips and tricks shared by one of the world’s best dunkers of all time. Other important topics covered in the program include body composition optimization and weight loss tips.

I would strongly recommend this program to any basketball player who wants to significantly improve their vertical jump in only 8 weeks with the ultimate goal of dunking a basketball.

>>Adding instant inches to your vertical in 8 weeks

(Note: *affiliate link)

Just stick to this program and you can increase your vertical jump?

photo by @ilovebasketballtv

I just want you to know that Vert Shock isn’t a miracle cure. Don’t expect to see results if you don’t do anything. Vert Shock is not a program to be taken lightly. If you truly want to be a dunker, you must be willing to put in the effort.

Though some may pursue their dream of a higher vertical by using specific sneakers and gimmicks, the reality is that being able to jump to the top requires a significant amount of training and energy. In this Vert Shock program, I inform you that it is an app that requires you to be completely committed to the program.



Apart from Vert Shock, I also fixed my Jump Techiques from Youtube to jump higher:

  1. Offset plant technique

2. Fixing last two steps before taking off and dunk.

3. Slope my shoulder to reach higher.


You can learn these technique FREE from a theme page @dunkhacks on instagram.

In conclusion

Clearly, there is a practical need for plyometrics. Not every athlete is born with Usain Bolt’s legs, lives in a warm region of the world, or can train on such soft surfaces as grass on a daily basis; not even the most seemingly perfect training of dunkers on youtube can avoid injuries; and not all skills can be learned simply by watching videos of proficient athletes. There is a need for hands-on practice of various movements as well as having training alternatives on hand to avoid staleness and provide options for injured athletes.

(*Disclaimer: This article may contain affiliate links meaning I get a commission if you debate to make a purchase or sign up through my links, at no cost to you. Please read my disclaimer for more information).

