#MyLeith… Anne

Leith Social
4 min readMar 13, 2018


Hello, I’m Anne and the ‘maker’ of Leith Local. As the #MyLeith series draws to a close I thought I would introduce myself and share my own thoughts on Leith.

Me with the youngest sprog

Q1. Tell us about yourself and Leith Local?

I’m a mum of two young kids and have been living in Leith for two years. Before that I was in London for 13 years and before that I was born and raised in Co.Durham in (sssshh) England.

Leith Local was started as a by-product of Social Media Manager training with the online training provider Digital Mums. In London I worked as a Retail Buyer and later a Product Developer but after moving to Edinburgh found opportunities for the same were limited. Plus, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go back to the nursery drop off / commute / work / race home / collect children / be a mum and repeat, routine.

So here I am training with Digital Mums to be a Social Media Manager. Their mantra is #WorkThatWorks and the aim is to have fulfilling freelance work that fits with family life. At least that’s the plan!

The course is based around learning whilst doing hence why I created and run Leith Local across Instagram, Twitter & Facebook. I have loved developing and growing the accounts and feel so much more connected to Leith and its goings on. I’ve met so many awesome people along the way and would love to continue with it, in some form, when I finish the training this month.

Q2. What do you love most about Leith?

Leith is awash with amazing social enterprise initiatives and awesome volunteers behind them. From the Edinburgh Tool Library, Projekt42 (not for profit gym) through to Creative Electric, the theatre company who run community cafes for the homeless and vulnerable. They epitomise the community spirit that exists here.

There are so many more and too many mention here but check out the Leith Chooses website as many have applied for funding and need your votes! Online voting has been extended until 17 March.

Q3. Best place to buy real bread?

Leith is a foodie heaven and creative melting pot… I love that I can walk 5 -10 minutes from the house and be buying amazing mini cakes from Abbi’s Pantry at the Leith Farmers Market or be checking out the latest happenings at Custom Lane.

Abbi’s Pantry at Leith Farmers Market

We are so lucky to have so many artisan bakers from Twelve Triangles and Riddle-Me-Rye through to the social enterprise Breadshare. Our local for tasty sourdough tends to be Quay Commons. Plus you can stock up on some local beers from Campervan Brewery while you’re there. Win win.

Q4. Where do you head for a quick escape?

Our sprogs love the beach, no matter the weather. In the winter we tend to stay closer to home and pop along to Portobello but in the summer I love to escape the crowds and head further afield to Gullane or my favourite, Tyninghame. Even the walk through the forest to reach the beach is beautiful!

Rainy misty Portobello

Q5. Do you have a mantra you live by?

I’m useless at remembering quotes but this one from Maya Angelou has always stuck in my head. It’s so true, often I can’t remember the ins and outs of what happened but I can always remember how I felt, whether sad, angry or happy!

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Follow Leith Local on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for local updates. Remember to say hello and give an @mention for anything you’d like to us share.



Leith Social

Celebrating the gems of Leith & beyond. Find @LeithSocial on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.