Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?

4 min readDec 24, 2023


Vitamins and minerals are abundant in mango. In moderation, it can be healthy for bearded dragons.

It should be cooked carefully and served occasionally. If eaten frequently, mangos can cause obesity and tooth decay.

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?

Bearded dragons can eat mango, but only in small amounts. The fruit is sugary and should be given occasionally.

In moderation, fresh or frozen mango can be part of a healthy occasional fruit treat for bearded dragons. However, it should make up a small portion of their overall diet.

Mango offers some benefits for bearded dragons, including:

  • Vitamin C for a healthy immune system
  • Beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A for eye health
  • Fiber to aid digestion

When feeding mango to your bearded dragon:

  • Thaw frozen mango completely before serving
  • Remove the pit and peel the mango before slicing or mashing the fruit
  • Limit mango feeding to no more than 1–2 times per month
  • Monitor your bearded dragon closely for signs of digestive distress like nausea, vomiting or weakness.

Mango’s high sugar content can lead to obesity if fed too frequently. The fruit fibers can also cause impaction risks if under-ripe or consumed in large chunks.

For the healthiest diet, focus primarily on leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables and live insects. Mango can supplement this balanced diet in small amounts as an occasional snack.

Proper storage and preparation can help reduce risks, but moderation is key with mango treats. Consult a vet for any severe reactions.

The fruit contains vitamin A, C, and potassium. It also contains antioxidants to fight free radicals that can harm beardies.

Mango is a good source of thiamine, which is essential for immune function and night vision. However, beardies can not absorb calcium due to its moderate oxalate content.

Make sure the mango you feed your bearded dragon is ripe and washed. Remove the peel before feeding. This prevents bowel obstructions.

Nutrition of Mango

Mango has lots of vitamin C, which is good for you. It regulates reptiles’ blood pressure and nervous system with potassium. It also aids muscle function and water retention.

Mango contains folate, which helps create new cells. Bearded dragons are protected from free radical damage by its antioxidants.

Mango also contains manganese, which bearded dragons need for bone development and metabolism. Too much manganese can poison.

Health Benefits and Risks of Mango

Bearded dragons love mangoes. Your bearded dragon’s immune system can benefit from its nutrients.

Vitamin C is abundant in mangoes. In 100 grams, they have over 36 mg of vitamin C, which can boost your bearded dragon’s immunity.

The best part is mangoes’ low fat and cholesterol content. These nutrients support bearded dragons’ digestion, immune, and cardiovascular systems.

Mangoes are okay for bearded dragons occasionally. They should only be given ripe mangoes because unripe ones may upset their stomachs.

Substitutes for Mango

Mangoes are good for reptiles. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants.

Baby dragons need iron, which they contain in small amounts. Avoid giving your beardie too much iron because it is toxic.

It is best to start with a small serving and work up. To make mangoes easier for your lizard to chew, cut them into small pieces.

Mango alternatives include figs, blackberries, and papaya. These fruits are safer for bearded dragons than mangoes. Oxalates are less likely to cause metabolic bone disease in them, and their calcium-phosphorus ratio is better.

Conclusion on Eating Mango

Mango is a good fruit to feed your bearded dragon, but not every day. Since it is high in sugar and low in calcium to phosphorus, it is best used as a treat.

Mangoes also contain oxalates, which can harm bearded dragons and cause metabolic bone disease. Since it has more phosphorus than calcium, it can impair calcium absorption.

To avoid these issues, only feed your bearded dragon mango as a special treat and cut it into small pieces. Add it to a salad with other healthy foods. This is a great way to get your beardie to eat veggies and greens.

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