An emptying was necessary to reach what lies ahead. Goodbye 2023, hello 2024.

Kgotso Hope Lekau
9 min readDec 30, 2023


Hello Friends

I know that we agreed that we wouldn’t be asking each other ‘HOW ARE YOU?’ but because it is the last blog of the year and we are wrapping up this year. I would love to know how are you doing.

This year; we have navigated the most broken version of ourselves and we held each other in prayer, words, and even in tears above all, we were held by JESUS. To be honest, it has felt like a rollercoaster. I am so glad for the power of community that has made it possible for us to hold each other up.

To the new readers, let me correct: Rollercoasters aren’t necessarily a bad thing — that’s why people go to the arcade to experience them — so I am not saying ‘OMGOD — this year was horrible.

This year rather was a very personal refining year from God — I want to spend time talking about the personal element of this year, and the reason for that is God laid in my heart that this is what His people need to hear more about.

The most common theme in our blogs this year was ‘the Wilderness’ — this is the chat that God has led us to speak on this year in real-time. There are different layers, and stages of the wilderness.

Yet friends, this year’s season was HECTIC — The true definition of being stuck in a desert with no water or map to navigate.

I remember in one of the blogs I shared how I experienced two different types of wilderness.

Reading the title of that blog — I laugh now because we have crossed over but clearly the title explains how rough that season was ‘What does this current season of life feel like and you cannot walk out’

The descriptive words for this season — I said ‘BEING STRETCHED. BEING STRIPPED. BEING OPENED.

This was literally how this season was. I’m I grateful LOL Yes. Should you be grateful ‘YES’.

God doesn’t just take anyone in the wilderness. It is not a test of Christianity but a journey of God’s destiny over your life.

A lot of course happens in between this journey — read my past blogs to have an insider to that but overall the journey of Destiny comes with a separation, a dying, and a rebirth.

The highlight of this journey and what God sets to do to us during this time is DYING TO SELF. COMPLETE DEATH OF SELF and the struggles in this is hectic.

Imagine having to die but you are still alive — it’s a crazy experience.

A self-sacrifice to take up HIS CROSS, HIS DREAM, AND BEING ALL ABOUT HIM.

A friend sent me a teaching on The Death to Self by Michael Koulinaos — friends, this teaching left me in so many tears to the point upon the calling for people to come to the front — I was on my knees as well.

A complete state of WEAKNESS.

‘It is in our weakness that His Strength is made Perfect.’ — Michael Koulinaos

Crazy that my last blog was on Dying to Self:

You may ask so WHERE ARE WE AT NOW? Still in the hot desert and feeling lost?

Absolutely not, remember my blog about ‘Seeing the Light as One Climbs the Mountain?’

Guess What friends — We are now on the mountain climbing — we are heading up and guess what there is hope arising in places that we didn’t expect — The Lord explained it like this:

A few weeks back, at the beginning of December — The Lord pressed a song in my spirit that I had heard before and initially, I was curious as to why this song was so heavy in my spirit. The song is ‘We Pray For More’ by Ntokozo Mbambo

Now, many religious ‘know-it-all’ folks might say ‘this song is incorrect as how can we PRAY FOR MORE — when He has given us all of him’ — but dying to self and pursuit of Him never stops friends.

Back to the story and why God shared this song and how this arising looks like:

He showed me a group of people (men and women) in the wild — who were pursuing a mission (it seemed as if the mission was needed to fix their own lives) — He didn’t disclose what the issues in their personal lives were. Yet, they were in the wild and had run out of water supply, and were nowhere near concluding their mission or reaching the endpoint.

After pushing their own strengths, I began to see a slow but steady cry and surrender (A call for MORE) — as much as in this vision, I don’t see them praying but I saw their hearts longing and calling for MORE.

I then began to see a stream of water surface on the ground from nowhere — It was unexpected — the reactions of these people were flawless as they had not expected God to show up — in that moment — I was taken to the story of Samaritan woman at the well — Jesus said ’The water I give to you..

”Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again and again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst — not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.”

John 4:13–14 MSG

The message version explains this hope that the Lord said it will arise in places we didn’t expect perfectly — ‘will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.’

Friends, I hope you got it and if you didn't READ AGAIN … It’s so important that you catch that before I share what the Lord shared with me about 2024.

By the way, there have been so many incredible accomplishments and achievements this year in my life and I am grateful to Jesus for all of them. I will use social media to talk about that but let’s focus on this for now.

If you are a regular fam on these streets of #BeingRealwithKG — you would know how 2021 was a horrible year and life-changing year completely. Yet, you would know that upon entering 2022 — I was filled with so much uncertainty because of the unknown of the future and the new life, etc.

I remember asking my friends about ‘What is God saying about this new year coming(2022)?’ and ‘where I can watch a New Year’s Eve service?’ as customed to the cult life. I remember my friend once again sending me a Christmas Service message from Bill Johnson and He shared what the Lord said to him about the year 2022. I remember during that service having a witness in my spirit about that message; which was RECOVERY, RESTORATION, etc. The Lord personally began to dive deep in explaining and sharing with me. I can surely testify to recovery in 2022.

Regarding this year, 2023 — I remember I shared in my first post on Instagram this year that it took days this year to get in sync with the new year as I was praying and asking the Lord about this year.

It was literally around the 10th of January 2023 — when God spoke to me about 2023 –10 days in the year guys and He took me to a song by Cece Winans — which was yet again, a song I had heard before but never paid attention to. ‘BELIEVE FOR IT’ — the chorus says ‘He SAID IT; BELIEVE IT’ — and trust me, looking at 2023 friends, it was so important to remember what He said, His promises, and consistently BELIEVE IT and FOR IT.

Why I am taking us on a memory lane of how the Lord spoke these past two years friends, It’s so important that we see how God isn’t restricted by medium or how He doesn’t have one way of speaking. He isn’t limited and He is very intentional.

Let’s get back to 2024.

It was the 28th of December in the AMs… I was on my knees in His Presence and honestly, I was just yielding and loving Him as I was pressing in to hear His heart for 2024… He then led me to play a song, which happens to be my favorite oh boy, I love this song.

Champion — I love the Dante Bowe with Bethel music version so I was playing it and it was on repeat — I think about the 5th time round, I was inspired to check the album out and hear the other songs on it as I have never really done that before.

I played the following

Champion by Dante,

Breathe/Rest by Cory Asbury (Spontaneous)

We Cry Holy by Jenn Johnson


Egypt by Cory Asbury

During this moment — the Lord said Go and read the title of the album. Took my phone and strolled up and the title of the album is ‘Revival’s In the Air’

And He said with a still voice that ‘Revival is in the Air in 2024.

This meant


I went to check out the word ‘Revival’ on Google

Here is what I want to show you

Similar: comeback; bringing back; re-establishment; reintroduction; restoration; reappearance; resurrection; resuscitation; relaunch; reinstallation; regeneration; revitalization; reinvigoration awakening

rejuvenation; stimulation; rebirth; renaissance; renascence

The Lord was quite happy with these words as they perfectly explained what He meant.

I asked though for an experience in the Word and He shared with me; the moment Jesus reappeared after his death and resurrection and the new form of who He was.

I also asked about the ‘In the Air’ part:

He took me back to the vision I shared earlier on and the word about Hope arising and how that HOPE would feel and be like ( fun fact, isn’t it crazy how my surname is Hope hehe)

‘will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.’

He said the ‘In the Air’ part means a new breathing. He said ‘many of you have found it hard to breathe in this past year — so much has overwhelmed you or you have experienced so much in the wilderness that catching your air or your breath was challenging but with the HOPE that’s in the air that will be like an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.’

You will experience HOPE in the Air as He revives YOU in 2024.

A re-emerge — He said Destiny requires this and the Hope in the Air won’t just be for YOU but for those I have called and prepared you to serve.

So friends, CLIMB UP with confidence, Step in with joy, the peace that makes no sense is present. Jesus is with you and Get Ready for a Revival in the AIR.

We cried this year for sure and those tears were not for nothing remember.

If you perhaps had such a hard year that it left you so numb, you find it hard to worship and trust God for the new year. The Lord just shared this song with me and said ‘I should personally step into 2024 with it’.

Inspite of all that took place in 2023 — He is still a GOOD GOD! Worship Him and meditate in these lyrics. He is faithful and just.

Let’s say Goodbye 2023 and Hello 2024.

Happy New Year my friends… Thank you for your love this year…

Love KHL

