Seeing The Light As One Climbs The Mountain.

Kgotso Hope Lekau
8 min readSep 17, 2023


Hello Friends

Happy September!

This is the season where we begin to see how the year is gradually coming to an end and it literally feels like it started just yesterday. Now, the success of your year is based on the perceptive you personally carry. My friends, honestly — Looking at these past 3 years being alive is an accomplishment.

The 10th of September was ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ — we often take this conversation lightly until an incident happens or something but the truth is there are a lot of things in today’s world that could suggest taking your life and many are tired of hearing ‘It’s going to be okay’ or rather waiting in what is now popularly known as your ‘waiting season’.

I have a scripture that is my current favourite and has shaped how I look at things right now and it’s going to be the theme of this blog.

Hebrews 6:18‭-‬20 MSG

We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us, in the order of Melchizedek.

May this be your reality today and may you run to Him with your all, hold on to the promise and never LET GO. If you want a community of people who don’t know each other but support each other in prayer, life, etc. Follow our ‘Unpack The Facts Network’ channel on YouTube.

In the last blog; I spoke very vulnerably and emotionally — it was probably the first time in a long time & the feedback was real too WOW — to recap — I spoke about BEING STRETCHED, BEING STRIPPED, and BEING OPENED and boy was this REAL.

I spoke on WILDERNESS 2 — where the promises of God seem far and out of reach.

Remember this demonstration.

I can remember that I shared that ‘Trusting God completely without a plan B’ was what God wanted as we navigate the wilderness.


Interestingly enough the message of having no plan B is doing a lot of rounds in the Body of Christ — yesterday, on a regular call with a friend — she was speaking on her journey of never settling on a plan B even when most of the time, there was no plan B — yeah no, we are that group of kids lol, but overall she was saying that’s not the way of the Lord.

During the call in fact; I was checking one of the people who has been a blessing in our new journey and to so many in the Body and He(Nate Johnson) had just posted the following:

I recommend you follow him x daily prophetic by Craig such a blessing.

Friends, in spite of all the stretching, stripping, and opening that happened painfully so — Jesus is the man who will never leave us in the desert. He has never forsaken his people. In fact, He is taking his people somewhere.

This month; the Lord spoke to me on refinement and looking ahead — then He brought me back to a song He directed me in January of this year that I had forgotten — it’s crazy how many things can happen and we can end up forgetting some precious moments Jesus shared with us.

The song was ‘Believe For It’ by Cece Winans

The song says ‘HE SAID IT, I BELIEVE IT’

Questions: What has He said to you? Do you believe it?

Often it happens we forget but perhaps, that’s how the devil lies to us then because once you forget what He said — you can’t stand on the WORD He said!

Another thing about this season is the continuous restoration and healing — mostly behind the scenes than what we expect! The Lord said to me ‘I am working on you and it is like nothing you have seen or experienced.

Often after all that stretching and stripping… I didn't exactly scream ‘AMEN’ or ‘Hallelujah’ as expected but we trust Him every day. In fact, we don’t talk a lot about how ‘Choosing Jesus or being a Christian’ isn’t an easy choice hey. IT IS WORTH IT!

Remember if you are a member of this community — you know that I owe you the continuation of the series ‘Starting Over’ — I haven’t forgotten ‘Smiles’. It’s been getting birthed and I am carrying it in my spirit but waiting patiently on the Lord — the go-ahead for it. The aim of the work that the Lord has placed in my hands is always about revealing Him to His People and never myself or my mere thoughts. Therefore, if He says not now — we lean on Him for the perfect timing.

Talking about RESTORATION, STARTING OVER, and a NEW BEGINNING — I have got some good news aka testimony!

I can finally read(devotion) the Bible AGAIN after two years since Leaving the Religious Cult!

Now, let me explain — because this can confuse a lot of folks — there is a difference between reading and having devotion. So yes — I have been reading scripture for the past year + but being in devotion is different.

One of the impacts of being in a cult, especially a religious one that manipulates scripture for its own agenda and control is that it could hurt your personal relationship with God.

Imagine a wound you got many years ago but you never healed from it behind the scenes, you kept hurting and opening it. A Religious cult provides an illusion of the ‘Presence of God’ and anything you do outside of God my friends will hurt and tire you.

The cult I’m referring to is a very acting-like ‘bible scholar’ kind of cult — very good at drowning and turning the pure beauty of the Gospel into a mind-control strategy for the agenda. One Day just one day. We will go all in about this.

What a Narcissistic cult mostly always led by a Narcissist does is take away your voice, God’s voice, and replace it with their voice. The battle of regaining your voice and God’s voice happens once you are OUT and you must choose to fight for it. This reminds me of the musical ‘Dreamgirls’ where Beyonce sang the song ‘Listen’ — listen to the lyrics of this song and understand what it means to fight and find your own voice which you are given by God.

Stay AWAY from Narcissist friends!

Being in an abusive state for over 12 years can be very triggering for a long time after but Jesus is so beautiful and faithful in restoring His People.

For the first time, this week — I woke up on Monday in my bed in the early hours of the day and went into devotion as I went into worship and went into my bible being inspired by the Lord to go into Romans 8 using the Mirror translation.

This has been the reality since from not being able to NOW DOING IT and I am loving it, friends. I feel like a baby who just got a new toy and I would not let go of it — Jesus is my first love.

Now, here is the beauty and goodness of God throughout the time I was really not doing this — He was fine with me. He was gracious with me and patient with healing me in this area, like how at the beginning of the year — I thought I wouldn't be doing church anytime soon but Look now, I am in a Beautiful Church starting over in that area too.

As I was spending time on Monday — I encountered this truth that I believe Jesus wanted me to encounter while reading:

‘Slavery is such a poor substitute for Sonship!’ — Romans 8:15

The perfect way to explain life without Jesus or being in a cult — Slavery. He bought me OUT and into SONSHIP!

JESUS CAN DO IT FOR YOU TOO. If you have been in this season too. HE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU.


Listen to this song — This WEEK — I know it will bless you and speak too.

This week — I will be releasing a news/mind blog on our other blog channel: Unpack the Facts — you don’t want to miss it!

Follow it now.

A Prayer for us friends

Dear Jesus

Thank you, thank you for Who you are to us. Thank you for being a Good Father, and friend to us, Thank you for choosing us while we were not worthy of your goodness. Thank you for your Gospel of Truth, thank you for your people across the world who are together in Spirit and choosing you daily.

Father, Many of your children are finding it hard to hold on and carry hope and faith. Please continue to shower us with your love and guide us to the finish line. Help us stand strong against all the mind battles we face.

Father, I believe for myself and all of your children, we will reach the mountain and testify of these moments, all you have laid in our purpose and assignment will be fulfilled and nothing will be stolen from us.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Hebrews 6:18‭-‬20 MSG

We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us, in the order of Melchizedek.

Till next time friends, I love you all.

Don’t forget to follow each other on socials; @kgotsohopelekau

