Lekha Poojary
3 min readDec 28, 2019

Body Shaming : a hidden issue in our society

Body shaming is one of the biggest problems in today’s generation. Society doesn’t just find humor in degrading a woman’s body, they also find humor in degrading a man’s body. Body shaming has become a problem for both genders. People take their own insecurities and aim them at other people to make themselves feel better about their own body. Body shaming is common in both genders.

Too fat. Too skinny. Flat-chested. Hot piece of a--. These are remarks that girls have received for far too long, yet so many people choose to ignore the body shaming and continue commenting on someone’s body.
It’s all around us- when we walk to the supermarket to buy something, when we go out for a walk, when we sit down in a classroom and try to listen to the teacher’s lecture. The judgement never ends, and we can’t press pause on this cycle because we are wearing the product being judged. It is on us, and we can never take it off.

Today’s generation does not see wrong in expressing their opinion. That is true, but shutting out anyone with a different body type than them is not okay. We see a person who looks different from our personal idea of “the perfect body” and think about what features could be different. And it’s disgusting. It’s harassment. But it’s not punished, because everyone takes part in it.

Body shaming is haunting. Judgement is the ghost that follows you around and lurks in the shadows, waiting until your most vulnerable moment to pop out and attack you. Our bodies are always on our minds, in a dark corner with jealousy and self-hatred. Every single person in this world would like to change their body, despite how well they pretend to be content with it. This lack of self-love is rooted in the scars in our hearts from decades of hearing how others perceive our bodies, and it can have devastating consequences .

Criticizing your own appearance, through a judgment or comparison to another person. (“I’m so ugly compared to her.” “Look at how broad my shoulders are.”)

Criticizing another’s appearance in front of them, (“With those thighs, you’re never going to find a date.”)

Criticizing another’s appearance without their knowledge. (“Did you see what she’s wearing today? Not flattering.” “At least you don’t look like her!”).

People, with pure intentions of insulting someone, constantly throw around “her body is so flat,” and “He’s fat, that makes him so ugly,” and “you need to lose weight.” Nobody chooses the body they have. Everyone is born into that body without a choice. If someone is healthy then it should not matter what they look like to anyone but their own.

Like with any other from of bullying, body shaming will always be present unless you stick up for yourself in a positive and healthy way. It is important to practice self-love and try to not let negative comments bother you.