How to add any custom font to e-book

On the example of ONYX BOOX Viking

Sasha Mikhedov
2 min readAug 25, 2023

I can’t imagine my life without reading. A few years ago I bought my first e-book and my reading habits totally changed.

ONYX BOOX Viking is a premium class reader with an aluminium case (tactile sensation is very important for me — I hate plastic).

Warm temperature is another special feature — you can choose cold or warm brightness depending on your lightning conditions. It’s really important when you prefer reading before bedtime.

The MOON Light 2 technology enables one to use the device in the dark or under poor lighting conditions

I’m a digital designer and I see typography everywhere. I don’t like default fonts in AIReader X Pro, the reading app I always use. I have found a way to add any custom font to e-book.

  1. Choose ‘Storage’ section (💾 in the footer menu) > then ‘Storage’ folder.
  2. Create a new folder (📁 in the top right corner) and call it ‘fonts’ (use small letters — it’s important).
  3. Download a font you like and put it into the folder. You can use otf/ttf formats (I tried both ones — it works).
  4. Restart your e-book and choose a new font in your reading app settings. Enjoy reading!

