Lela has made 71 trips around the sun and hopes to make a few more. She feels the need to write and pass on whatever helpful knowledge she has accumulated. Warning: She speaks her mind!

Lela's votes go to the U.S. representatives who can do the best for “we, the people,” and she will never vote for anything related to the “orange monster.” Ban Privately Owned Assault Rifles! Stop the tyranny over women's bodies and minds! Clean up the Planet NOW!

Lela is the author of two important "not your average" poems. Space Travels, and Crystal Freedom. Reading these will help you to understand our real environmental crisis and divided political views.

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Medium member since July 2023
Friend of Medium since November 2023
Connect with Lela Cargill
Lela Cargill

Lela Cargill

Friend of Medium

Lela is a Medical Laboratory Scientist with a BA in Journalism from SHSU, Retired and Writing. Join my Infinite Universe!. Please enable your sarcasm font!