Want To Predict The Super Bowl Winner? — Good Luck!With the Super Bowl just a few days away, we are treated to the annual round — the — clock analysis of which team will prevail, by how…Jan 31, 2018Jan 31, 2018
Published inThe CauldronBelieve It Or Not, Professional Athletes Are Actually UnderpaidFor a variety of reasons, perception doesn’t match reality when it comes to paying highly skilled sports stars.Oct 20, 20161Oct 20, 20161
In these scary times, we can’t lose sight of the real threatsAmericans don’t know how to assess risk, especially when it comes to radical Islamist terrorism at home. We should be outraged by the…Jan 28, 2016Jan 28, 2016
Published inHealthcare in AmericaHarvard Research on Social Progress — An Embarrassment?Even at Harvard University, one of the most respected research universities in the world, faculty can put out drivel. I was appalled after…Jan 15, 2016Jan 15, 2016