Building Python GUIs in 2020

Leland Zach
6 min readSep 8, 2019
Python Desktop GUI Framework Tutorial
Build Python Desktop Apps with PyQt

Python developers can build cross-platform graphical user interfaces (GUI) in 2020 using the PyQt5 framework! This tutorial will contain some Python code examples as well as instructions for building GUIs quickly with the Qt Designer program. You can import the generated GUI builder files into your Python code to speed up development time. Let’s get started!

What is the PyQt GUI Framework?

PyQt is a Python version of the Qt Framework. Qt is an open source framework written in C++. It is used to build GUIs easily with widgets that are commonplace in desktop applications. A developer can programmatically create buttons, images, labels, and other desktop UI components rapidly with OOP design.

With Qt, developers can quickly build user interfaces that work on MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android and some embedded systems. Thanks to PyQt, developers can write their apps entirely in Python instead of C++.

There is documentation for Qt and also PyQt5. Both of which were very useful when writing this tutorial. Additionally, the PyQt5 examples repository and the PyQt5 Book by Michael Herrmann were particularly helpful.

Qt Designer - The Python GUI Builder Tool

