Update Platform LELEcoin

LELEcoin Lite Eco Ledger Elements
3 min readFeb 11, 2018


Setelah sebelumnya telah clone nxt platform , sekarang kita sudah update platform.

kelebihan platform terbaru ini lebih updatable untuk di ekplorasi , termasuk nanti akan di gunakan sistem LRP yang merupakan sistem milik LELEcoin.

Untuk membuat wallet kami berikan tutorial :

  1. Anda bisa masuk ke https://wallet.e-chain.id/index.html

2. Setelah masuk , klik “ DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT? CLICK HERE TO CREATE ONE! “ otomatis akan membuat wallet LELE beserta passphrase , catat dan simpan.

3. Kita masukkan passphrase untuk validasi wallet kita

4. setelah masuk , kita klik validate passphrase untuk validasi ulang dan menerima kunci publik agar dapat tersambung ke blockchain.

5. Done.

Catatan : Ketika kita keluar dan wallet masih kosong , sistem akan mengidentifikasi bahwa walet tersebut tidak terkoneksi ke blockchain meskipun kita sudah validasi , jadi perlu ada transaksi / saldo di dalam wallet.

untuk masalah itu , anda bisa menggunakan cara berikut ini :

  1. masuk wallet LELEcoin, kemudian klik “ DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT? CLICK HERE TO CREATE ONE!
  2. akan otomatis membuat wallet baru lagi , kita scroll paling bawah dan klik “ Advanced users only: click here to choose your own passphrase.

3. kita masukkan passphrase yang kita miliki tadi , ketik ulang passphare dan klik register.

4. Tunggu sampai kita masuk ke wallet kita .

5. Done.

Untuk info WP maupun roadmap dapat anda baca di website kami .
website : https://e-chain.id

Beberapa medsos maupun media berita kami ;
twitter : https://www.twitter.com/lelecoin_media/ (@lelecoin_media)
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lelecoin1 (@lelecoin1)

Having previously clone nxt platform, now we have updated platform.

The advantages of the latest platform is more updatable for the exploration, including later will be in use LRP system which is a system owned by LELEcoin.

To create our wallet give a tutorial:

1.You can login to https://wallet.e-chain.id/index.html
2. After login, click “DO NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNT? CLICK HERE TO CREATE ONE! “Will automatically create a LELE wallet with passphrase, noted and save.
3. We enter a passphrase for wallet validation
4. after login, we click validate passphrase to re-validate and receive public key to connect to blockchain.
Note: When we exit and the wallet is empty, the system will identify that the wallet is not connected to blockchain even though we have validation, so there needs to be a transaction / balance in the wallet.

For that matter, you can use the following way:

1.Enter LELEcoin wallet, then click “DO NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNT? CLICK HERE TO CREATE ONE! “
2. will automatically create a new wallet again, we scroll the bottom and click “Advanced users only: click here to choose your own passphrase.”
3. Enter the passphrase we have before, re-type passphare and click register.
wait until we get into our wallet.
4. done.

For Whitpaper you can visit https://e-chain.id/

Follow our social media for updates:

twitter : https://www.twitter.com/lelecoin_media/ (@lelecoin_media)

facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lelecoin1 (@lelecoin1)

