Hashmap in JavaScript

Lelianto Eko Pradana
5 min readFeb 7, 2023


In JavaScript, a hashmap (also known as an associative array or an object) is a data structure that allows you to store key-value pairs. The keys in a hashmap can be any value (including objects and functions), while the values can be any data type.

Example of creating and using a hashmap in JavaScript:

let map = {};

// Add key-value pairs to the map
map['key1'] = 'value1';
map['key2'] = 'value2';
map['key3'] = 'value3';

// Access values in the map using keys
console.log(map['key1']); // outputs: "value1"
console.log(map['key2']); // outputs: "value2"
console.log(map['key3']); // outputs: "value3"

// Check if a key exists in the map
console.log('key1' in map); // outputs: true
console.log('key4' in map); // outputs: false

// Remove a key-value pair from the map
delete map['key2'];
console.log('key2' in map); // outputs: false

In this example, a hashmap is created using an object literal {}. Key-value pairs are added to the map using bracket notation, and values are retrieved using the same notation. The in operator is used to check if a key exists in the map, and the delete operator is used to remove a key-value pair from the map.

Hashmaps are commonly used in JavaScript for tasks such as counting occurrences of elements in an array, or maintaining a cache of data that can be quickly retrieved using keys. They are flexible and efficient, and provide a simple and intuitive way to store and retrieve data.

Example of using a hashmap to count the occurrences of elements in an array in JavaScript:

let array = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5];

let countMap = {};

// Loop through the array and count the occurrences of each element
array.forEach(element => {
if (countMap[element] === undefined) {
countMap[element] = 1;
} else {

// Log the count for each element
for (let key in countMap) {
console.log(`Element ${key} occurs ${countMap[key]} times`);

In this example, a hashmap countMap is created to store the count of each element in the array. The forEach loop is used to iterate over the array, and the count of each element is updated in the countMap using the element as the key. Finally, a for loop is used to log the count for each element in the countMap.

This approach is efficient and flexible, as it allows you to count the occurrences of elements of any data type, and to retrieve the count for a specific element in constant time.

If you have an array of arrays and you want to count the occurrences of elements in the inner arrays, you can use a nested loop to iterate over both arrays and update the count in a hashmap.

Here’s an example:

let arrays = [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]];

let countMap = {};

// Loop through the outer array and inner arrays
arrays.forEach(innerArray => {
innerArray.forEach(element => {
if (countMap[element] === undefined) {
countMap[element] = 1;
} else {

// Log the count for each element
for (let key in countMap) {
console.log(`Element ${key} occurs ${countMap[key]} times`);

In this example, a hashmap countMap is created to store the count of each element in the inner arrays. The first forEach loop is used to iterate over the outer array, and the second forEach loop is used to iterate over each inner array. The count of each element is updated in the countMap using the element as the key. Finally, a for loop is used to log the count for each element in the countMap.

Factors that can make hashmap questions difficult to answer

There are several factors that can make hashmap questions difficult to answer:

  1. Complexity: Hashmaps can be used to solve complex problems, and the complexity of the problem can make it difficult to understand the solution.
  2. Implementation details: There are different ways to implement a hashmap, and the implementation details can affect the answer to a question. For example, the choice of the hash function, collision resolution strategy, and memory management can all impact the performance and behavior of a hashmap.
  3. Performance trade-offs: Hashmaps offer a balance between time and space complexity, and understanding the trade-offs between different operations can be challenging. For example, the time complexity of a hashmap operation can depend on the load factor and the size of the hashmap, and the space complexity can depend on the number of collisions and the size of the keys and values.
  4. Language-specific differences: Different programming languages have different implementations of hashmaps, and the specific language being used can affect the answer to a question. For example, some languages have built-in hashmap data structures, while others do not, and some languages have different approaches to handling collisions and resizing.

In general, understanding the fundamentals of hashmaps and the trade-offs between different implementations is key to answering hashmap questions accurately and effectively.

The fundamentals of hashmaps and trade-offs in JavaScript

  1. Fundamentals: A hashmap, also known as a dictionary or an associative array, is a data structure that maps keys to values. In JavaScript, hashmaps can be implemented using objects or Map objects. Objects are a simple way to implement hashmaps, but they have some limitations, such as the fact that keys must be strings and the fact that keys are enumerated in the order in which they were added. Map objects were introduced in ECMAScript 6 and provide a more flexible and powerful implementation of hashmaps, with support for keys of any type and ordered iteration.
  2. Time complexity: The time complexity of hashmap operations in JavaScript depends on the size of the hashmap and the distribution of the keys. Common operations, such as adding an element, finding an element, and deleting an element, have average time complexity O(1), meaning they take constant time on average. However, if the hashmap is poorly designed or if the keys are not evenly distributed, the time complexity can degrade, leading to slower performance.
  3. Space complexity: The space complexity of hashmaps in JavaScript depends on the number of elements stored in the hashmap and the size of the keys and values. Hashmaps generally require more memory than arrays because they store both keys and values, but the size of the keys and values can be optimized to reduce the space complexity.
  4. Collisions: Collisions occur when two or more keys are mapped to the same index in the hashmap. In JavaScript, collisions can be resolved using various strategies, such as chaining (storing a linked list at each index) or probing (searching for an empty slot after a collision). The choice of collision resolution strategy can affect the time and space complexity of hashmap operations.

In summary, hashmaps are a powerful and flexible data structure that offers fast access to elements based on their keys, but the trade-offs between time and space complexity, as well as the choice of implementation, should be considered when using hashmaps in JavaScript.

