Can I just quit?

Trusty Le
4 min readJun 16, 2020

Aha! Finally, you said it! I know you will spit out the words soon after the first few failures! Welcome to the normal human beings' world!

The voice sounds much sarcastic and mocking, but it means no harm. It is annoying. It implies a truth, “Admit it! You feel disappointed since things you do… well, nobody cares!”

“Nobody cares!”

Hang in there! Let me tell you about this one person. After the story, you can quit whatsoever… The voice is sharpened.

Once upon a time… Nope! Not that typical anecdote. Three months ago, there was a girl whom I had known for such a long time passing a few gifts to her colleagues rushingly and waved them goodbye. She told me she quitted her job. She packed up all her belongings and took the bus. One way to her hometown. For almost two months, she started something she had dreamed of doing for many many years. Doing YouTube. She binged in making videos. She posted almost every day. She did pour effort into her work. I could tell joy in her eyes and through her heartbeat. The intrigue of creation swept away boredom and tiredness. Her eyes stuck on the laptop’s screen. She made it to 25 subscribers. Another whole month. She got 26. It stopped there. All of suddenly, the appeal of creation was shattered. “It’s not fun at all to make videos, and nobody watches them.” She complained to me. She looked sad and apparently all of her energy was gone. I remembered seeing her screaming happily after finishing one video and seeing her screaming angrily with another new. “I don’t want to make any videos. I tried hard and the result was bad. And nobody cares.” “It feels like shouting into the void. Nobody cares!” She went on and on. She vented her thoughts, and certainly, nobody can disrupt the stream. Neither did I. “I feel useless!” She always ended up with such a statement, and eventually, tears came out. Once tears were dry, she kept making videos. That’s a cycle. Each time, she tried to do better. Bit by bit. Still 26. She is still creating. Still frustrated. Angry. Sob. And create.

And that’s the story. Now, there might be a thought in your mind saying, “Just an ordinary story!” You look as much sarcastic and mocking as I sounded in my voice. In fact, you do not care about such a story. Truth is, It’s not appealing or emotion-provoking to you. Thus, you show disinterest. You are in your audience’ shoes now. Do you recognize their perspective? How do they end up shrugging their shoulders and showing “No Care”? Such a story is generic and common; hence most people might experience the same or hear of it somewhere else. What excites them then? Ok, do me a favour!? Can you continue my story and try to make it more interesting?


[…]She creates more videos that provide better storyline, lighting, and sound. She looks truly engaging in her videos. They started to convey slight emotions. More emotions. Boom! One video hits 100 views. She gets 27. The channel grows steadily. She appears happy. One night, looking at all videos she has made, she beams with pride. And, such a smile reveals a sturdy determination. “I have never been proud of myself as much. I have never believed in myself as much. Such pride and belief are derived not from noticeable achievements but from the spirit of keep moving forward!” She affirms and sticks her eyes on the laptop’s screen. The cycle still keeps its activation well. However, one after one, she shows improvement. She is making great progress.

“I have never been proud of myself as much. I have never believed in myself as much. Such pride and belief are derived not from noticeable achievements but from the spirit of keep moving forward!”

Well, good effort! Though emotions are still missing somehow. Try harder as you continue your journey of being a creator. You have a perfect motivation story for yourself already. So should you quit now?

“Well, nobody cares if I quit or continue creating. I care. I care for the birth of my works. I care for improving myself and my stories. I care and so I won’t quit! Never!”

Good, you got it! I guess I could take some rest now. I serve you too much especially during your dark time. Care what you are doing and people will follow. Bye!

“Thank you, self!”



Trusty Le

Searching for a ray of light in the dark? Just join me. I am holding the lighter.