Building your first App for the Internet of Things in 15 minutes

Lelylan Blog
3 min readMar 6, 2015

Few weeks ago we were lucky enough to present our work at the AngularJS <live code> event held in Italy. The presentation was based on a live code session showing how to create a web app controlling a Smart Light (based on an Arduino Yun) in 15 minutes.

We kept it simple to make the idea accessible to everyone and we were really happy with the positive feedback we received at the end from people attending to the event. Here the presentation.

AngularJS <live-code> slides used to present the <device> directive

We kept the presentation super entry level to enable everyone
(also people who never used AngularJS in its life)
to create their first App for the IoT in minutes

Do we really need it?

During my life I worked with developers of any type. Creative, lazy productive, dumb, talented are some of the adjective I could use to describe them. The thing is that, despite the way they worked, they all were looking at how to improve their workflow, most of the time by finding or creating libraries who could make them more productive.

At Lelylan we love developers. We, first of all, are developers, and we think we deserve the best tools to develop new solutions for the Internet of Things. API and Wrappers in different languages are good, but we can do better, that’s sure.

Startups and businesses involved in the field can do much, much more than they do today for developers and makers — Reggie, CTO Lelylan

That’s why we gave our 2 cents by creating and releasing the new <device> directive, and we did it by focusing on three key elements.

  • Fast — You can create your first IoT App in minutes.
  • Mobile first — Works across desktop, tablet and mobile.
  • Customisable — Easy to create device specific templates (CSS and HTML).

Here you can find the full documentation.

Why The Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is raising up. Working on it we can see lot of opportunities, together with a lot of confusion. What’s sure, is that it’s not gonna stop.

Google’s Nest is opening up its API, Apple has HomeKit and Samsung bought developer-focused startup SmartThings. ARM and Intel have both released new developer tools. Relayr got $2.3M in funding to build an Internet of Things app ecosystem — Vision Mobile

Numbers are clear. As stated from Forbes, 53% of developers are currently working on Internet of Things (IoT) projects. Of the many categories of IoT markets the survey includes, Smart Home is the most popular market with 37% of developers working on projects in this area.

With Lelylan we envision an platform open to any hardware and to any language, giving you all the possible tools to create new ideas.

There is still a lot of work to do, but if you like our ideas, join us or let us know your thoughts on Twitter.

Did you miss the <device> presentation?

In case you missed the presentation at the AngularJS <live-code> event, we’ll double it in Verona, Italy, on March 19th, thanks to the FEVR guys. If you are around, join us!

