Dragons & the spiritual knighthood…

3 min readOct 15, 2023

You’ll know by now that dragons form a big part of my akashic records work. I often connect people to their dragon guides, I naturally draw in clients who need their dragon-connection activated.


and I have been diving into the dragon connections for a few years now, she offers dragon readings. And together we have gifted each other pieces of “our dragon puzzle” our roles in past lives, and our roles in this lifetime in the “dragon activation” process.

I am meant to bring back the hidden history of dragons on earth. By gifting people their own soul memories back, validating for them soul memories, images, that they have had for years deep down.

And all of these puzzle pieces added to “the dragon story” that is unfolding before my eyes every day and before those of the people I work with.


Because dragons are here and have always been here to be spiritual allies in our journey here on earth..

By showing us the way we were connected to them, working alongside them to honor Mother/Father God-consciousness, we can get a clearer picture of how we can work together with them in this here-and-now.

Check out my story “Angels & Dragons & Other things — The Avalonian Dragon Tribe’s story” on my website. And stay tuned for the upcoming chapter which will speak more on what happened pre-earth and what truly happened after Atlantis, heading into and during the middle ages.

I also create dragon eye portraits which serve as a portal for dragon attunement (as described in my story in chapter 2 — your dragon initiation) + in depth akashic records readings where you can dive into the depth of your dragon connections throughout different lifetimes/realities/dimensions — to offer guidance on how to continue the journey here and now! For more info on how to proceed

🐉please reach out to me!🐉




STEP INTO THE TIME MACHINE WITH ME - akashic records & channeled art - Christian mysticism - modern Ban Druí (druid/bard/magical storyteller) of the dragons