Beginning Game Development: 2.5D Platform Games

Lem Apperson
3 min readAug 5, 2023


2.5D Games are a combination of flat planes and 3D objects.

Stepping into the World of 2.5D Platform Games: Features and Construction in Unity3D

2.5D platform games, also known as 2.5D side-scrolling games, strike a perfect balance between the classic 2D platformer and the immersive 3D world. These games offer visually stunning environments and character movements in a 2D side-scrolling perspective, creating a compelling and engaging gameplay experience. In this article, we will explore the features that make a 2.5D platform game special, how to construct one using Unity3D, and highlight popular game examples that have conquered players’ hearts.

Key Features of 2.5D Platform Games

1. Side-Scrolling Perspective: The primary feature that defines a 2.5D platform game is the side-scrolling perspective. The game world is presented on a 2D plane, and players move their characters from left to right (or vice versa) through visually captivating environments.

2. Layered Parallax Backgrounds: 2.5D platform games often employ layered parallax backgrounds to create an illusion of depth and enhance the visual appeal. Different background layers move at varying speeds, giving the impression of distance and immersion.

3. Dynamic Camera Movements: The camera in a 2.5D platform game may follow the player character and adapt to the environment’s layout. It can shift, pan, or zoom to ensure players have a clear view of their surroundings and obstacles.

4. Platforming Mechanics: Core platforming mechanics include jumping, running, and navigating through various obstacles, enemies, and puzzles. Precise controls and level design are crucial to delivering satisfying gameplay.

5. 3D Visual Assets: Although the gameplay occurs in a 2D environment, 3D visual assets, such as characters, objects, and backgrounds, contribute to the game’s visual richness and create a sense of depth.

Constructing a 2.5D Platform Game in Unity3D

Unity3D provides a robust set of tools and features for building 2.5D platform games. Here’s a general outline of how to construct one:

1. Character and Level Design: Create your player character and design the 2.5D levels using Unity’s 2D tools. Pay special attention to level layouts, platform placement, and the placement of objects and enemies to provide challenging and enjoyable gameplay.

2. Camera Setup: Implement a dynamic camera that follows the player character smoothly. Consider using Cinemachine in Unity, a powerful camera system, to achieve smooth tracking and visual effects.

3. Animation and Movement: Animate the character’s movements, including running, jumping, and interacting with the environment. Utilize Unity’s Animator system to create smooth and fluid animations.

4. Physics and Collisions: Implement physics and collision detection to handle the character’s movements and interactions with the environment, ensuring they respond realistically to jumps, falls, and obstacles.

5. Parallax Backgrounds: Design and implement layered parallax backgrounds to give the game depth and create a captivating visual experience. Use background scrolling techniques to simulate depth and immersion.

6. User Interface: Create a user interface (UI) that complements the game’s visual style and enhances the player’s experience. Include features like health bars, score displays, and level progression indicators.

Popular 2.5D Platform Game Examples

1. “Limbo” and “Inside”: Developed by Playdead, these atmospheric and hauntingly beautiful platformers set the standard for the genre, using a monochromatic art style to create a mesmerizing ambiance.

2. “Rayman Legends”: Developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, this game combines gorgeous visuals, creative level design, and precise platforming mechanics to offer a delightful gaming experience.

3. “Ori and the Blind Forest”: Developed by Moon Studios, this visually stunning platformer features a heartwarming story, captivating artwork, and challenging gameplay.


2.5D platform games blend the best of 2D and 3D worlds, delivering visually stunning environments, challenging gameplay, and engaging experiences. By utilizing Unity3D’s tools, developers can construct captivating 2.5D platformers with dynamic camera movements, layered parallax backgrounds, and precise platforming mechanics. These games immerse players in unique and enchanting worlds, making them a beloved genre among gamers worldwide.



Lem Apperson

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.