Beginning Game Development: Introduction to Shader Graph in Unity

Unlocking Interactive Worlds: A Deep Dive into Unity3D and C# for Aspiring Game Developers

Lem Apperson
4 min readMar 25, 2024

Unity3D, renowned for its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities, offers an array of tools designed to cater to both novice and seasoned game developers. Among these tools, Shader Graph stands out as a revolutionary feature that demystifies the process of shader creation, allowing for the visual assembly of shaders. This article embarks on a journey through the realm of Shader Graph, providing a foundational understanding, guiding you through the initial setup, and leading you to create your very first shader.

A sample Shadergraph Window. The left panel shows the parameters that you have added. These appear in the Editor Window for materials created with this shader and can be edit with scripts. The main work area is where you connect nodes with to other nodes to the final output visible on the right. The Graph Inspector Panel is where you can modify the Shader’s settings, Node’s settings and parameters (depending on what is selected).

Exploring Shader Graph

Shader Graph is Unity’s node-based shader creation tool, enabling developers to build shaders visually by connecting nodes rather than writing code. It’s seamlessly integrated into Unity’s rendering pipeline, supporting both the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), making it versatile for various project types. Shader Graph opens up the world of shader programming to a broader audience, allowing artists and developers alike to craft stunning visual effects through an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface.

Getting Started with Shader Graph

To dive into Shader Graph, you’ll need to set up your Unity project with the necessary packages. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Create a New Project: Start by creating a new Unity project. Choose either the URP or HDRP template for your project, as Shader Graph is designed to work with these pipelines.
  2. Install Shader Graph: Go to Window > Package Manager. In the package manager, ensure you're in the Unity Registry tab, search for "Shader Graph," and install it. If you chose a URP or HDRP template, Shader Graph might already be included.
  3. Create a Render Pipeline Asset: If not automatically created with your project template, you’ll need to create a pipeline asset. For URP, create a Universal Render Pipeline asset by right-clicking in your project window, navigating to Create > Rendering > Universal Render Pipeline > Pipeline Asset (Forward Renderer). Then, assign this asset to the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings in Edit > Project Settings > Graphics.

With these steps, your environment is ready for Shader Graph.

Creating Your First Shader

Let’s create a basic shader that adjusts the color of a material:

  1. Create a Shader Graph: Right-click in the Project window, go to Create > Shader > Graphs > PBR Graph (for URP) or the equivalent for your chosen render pipeline. Name your shader graph.
  2. Open Shader Graph: Double-click the newly created Shader Graph asset. The Shader Graph editor will open, presenting a canvas and node library.
  3. Construct Your Shader: Start by dragging a Color node from the node library onto the canvas. Then, create a PBR Master node if one isn't already present. Connect the Color node's RGBA output to the Albedo input of the PBR Master node. This connection tells the shader to use the selected color for the surface color (albedo) of the material.
  4. Save and Apply: Click the Save Asset button in the top left corner of the Shader Graph window to compile your shader. To use the shader, create a new material (Create > Material), then assign your shader to it by selecting it from the shader dropdown in the material's properties.
  5. Test Your Shader: Apply the material to a GameObject in your scene to see the shader effect in action. You should see the GameObject display the color you selected in the Shader Graph.


Shader Graph in Unity demystifies the process of creating shaders, making it accessible and intuitive. By following the steps outlined above, even those new to game development can start experimenting with custom shaders, unlocking a new dimension of creativity in their Unity projects. As you become more familiar with Shader Graph, you’ll discover the vast potential for creating complex and visually stunning effects, all without writing a single line of shader code.



Lem Apperson

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.