Beginning Game Development — Tree Landscape Tool Part I

Positioning Trees on the Landscape

Lem Apperson
6 min readSep 2, 2024

Creating a beautiful, festive Christmas Tree landscape in Unity3D is an exciting way to bring seasonal joy to your game or interactive scene. This four-part series will guide you through the steps needed to craft a detailed and interactive Christmas Tree landscape using Unity3D and C#. In this first article, we will focus on positioning trees within your landscape, an essential first step that sets the stage for the rest of the project.


The goal of this series is to build a dynamic Christmas Tree landscape using Unity3D, with features such as random or grid-based tree positioning, customizable tree shapes and colors, festive ornaments, and an export function to share or integrate your landscape into a game. In this first part, we will explore the positioning logic for placing trees on the terrain, ensuring they are placed without overlap and in visually pleasing arrangements.

Main Components Covered in the Series:
- Positioning Trees: This part focuses on locating trees in the landscape, including collision checks and different positioning strategies.
- Tree Shapes and Colors: Next, we will explore how to create and modify tree shapes and colors to add variety to the scene.
- Adding Ornaments: Learn how to decorate your trees with ornaments, enhancing the festive feel.
- Exporting the Landscape: Finally, we will cover how to export your completed landscape for use in games or sharing.

Locating Tree Positions

Positioning trees on a landscape involves calculating where each tree should be placed, considering both aesthetics and gameplay needs. In this article, we’ll explore two methods: Grid and Random placement.

Grid Placement

Grid placement positions trees in evenly spaced rows and columns across the landscape. This method provides a neat and orderly appearance, perfect for creating structured environments. The main logic involves dividing the landscape into a grid and placing trees at each grid intersection.

How Grid Placement Affects Appearance:
- Creates a uniform, organized look.
- Best for controlled environments where tree spacing is essential.
- Easily customizable by adjusting grid size and spacing parameters.

Random Placement

Random placement scatters trees across the landscape without a strict pattern, creating a more natural and organic feel. This approach simulates real-world forests, where trees are not evenly spaced.

How Random Placement Affects Appearance:
- Adds visual diversity and realism.
- Provides a less predictable layout, enhancing the natural look.
- Allows for customization of density and area coverage.

Collision Checks

Collision detection is crucial when placing trees to ensure they do not overlap with each other or other objects in the scene. Overlapping objects can cause visual issues, physics problems, and detract from the overall realism of your landscape.

Importance of Collision Detection

- Prevents trees from intersecting, which can look unrealistic and disrupt gameplay.
- Ensures objects in the landscape remain distinct and properly placed.
- Improves performance by avoiding unnecessary calculations related to overlapping physics objects.

Sample C# Code for Collision Checks

Here’s a basic script demonstrating how to check for collisions using Unity’s Physics system when placing trees:

using UnityEngine;

public class TreePlacer : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject treePrefab; // The tree prefab to instantiate
public Vector3 placementPosition; // Desired position to place the tree
public float collisionCheckRadius = 1f; // Radius to check for collisions

// Method to place a tree at a given position with collision checking
public void PlaceTree()
// Check if the position is clear of other objects
if (!IsPlacementBlocked(placementPosition))
// Instantiate the tree if the position is clear
Instantiate(treePrefab, placementPosition, Quaternion.identity);
Debug.Log("Tree placed successfully.");
Debug.LogWarning("Placement blocked by another object.");

// Method to check if the placement area is blocked by other objects
private bool IsPlacementBlocked(Vector3 position)
// Check for overlapping colliders within the specified radius
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, collisionCheckRadius);
foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
// Ignore terrain or any other specific objects as needed
if (collider.gameObject != this.gameObject && collider.tag != "Terrain")
Debug.Log($"Collision detected with: {}");
return true; // Placement is blocked
return false; // No collisions detected
Screenshot of Unity Editor showing a tree correctly positioned on the landscape, with no overlapping objects visible.


Below is a step-by-step guide on setting up the positioning system in Unity, with code snippets for both Grid and Random placement options.

Step 1: Setting Up the Unity Scene

- Create a new Unity project and set up your terrain.
- Import your tree prefab and ensure it is properly configured with colliders.
- Add the `TreePlacer` script to a GameObject in your scene.

Screenshot of Unity Editor showing the terrain setup with a few initial trees positioned.

Step 2: Implementing Grid Placement

The following script demonstrates how to position trees in a grid pattern on the landscape:

using UnityEngine;

public class GridTreePlacer : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject treePrefab;
public int rows = 5; // Number of rows in the grid
public int columns = 5; // Number of columns in the grid
public float spacing = 10f; // Spacing between trees

// Method to place trees in a grid
public void PlaceTreesInGrid()
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++)
Vector3 position = new Vector3(col * spacing, 0, row * spacing);
if (!IsPlacementBlocked(position))
Instantiate(treePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity);

private bool IsPlacementBlocked(Vector3 position)
// Add collision detection as shown previously
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 1f);
return colliders.Length > 0;
Diagram illustrating how trees are positioned in a grid on the landscape.

Step 3: Implementing Random Placement

The following script demonstrates how to position trees randomly across the landscape:

using UnityEngine;

public class RandomTreePlacer : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject treePrefab;
public int numberOfTrees = 10; // Number of trees to place
public float areaSize = 50f; // Size of the area for random placement

// Method to place trees randomly
public void PlaceTreesRandomly()
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTrees; i++)
Vector3 randomPosition = new Vector3(
Random.Range(-areaSize / 2, areaSize / 2),
Random.Range(-areaSize / 2, areaSize / 2)

if (!IsPlacementBlocked(randomPosition))
Instantiate(treePrefab, randomPosition, Quaternion.identity);

private bool IsPlacementBlocked(Vector3 position)
// Add collision detection as shown previously
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 1f);
return colliders.Length > 0;
Screenshot showing trees placed randomly across the landscape, demonstrating variety and natural placement.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Correctly positioning trees on your landscape is the foundation of creating an immersive Christmas Tree scene. Whether using grid or random placement, ensuring that trees are placed logically and without overlap sets the stage for further customization. In the next part of this series, we will explore how to craft tree shapes and colors, adding further depth and variety to your festive landscape.

Further Reading

- [Unity Manual: Physics Overview](
- [Unity Manual: Collider Components](
- [Learn C# Scripting in Unity](

By following this guide, you’re well on your way to crafting a beautiful, interactive Christmas Tree landscape in Unity3D. Experiment with different positioning methods, and don’t hesitate to adjust parameters to suit your creative vision!

Let me know when you’re ready to move on to Part 2 or if you need any revisions for this article!



Lem Apperson

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.