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Things that keep me back

3 min readMar 27, 2024

Hello, long time no see.

If you’re new here, then I’m a guy who used to write about self-improvement, and now things stay the same.

There are quite a few things I would like you to consider before you keep living the life you’re having. First of all, your emotions.

The problem is that when you’re having such an intriguing thought, keep it simple. Think about what you want to do with that idea.

  1. If it’s the thing you want yourself to keep thinking about, use less willpower to force it to flow the way you want. Instead, bring more emotion to those sudden ideas. This approach will help you construct the connection in your brain so that things might happen again in the future.
  2. If it’s something you don’t want yourself to keep thinking about, learn how to slow down your vibe. Let the emotion decrease over time by paying less attention to it. If you spare more attention to it by giving it some "motivation,” like, I won’t think about it again; I shouldn’t think about it; it’s unacceptable to think about..." It’ll keep going back, no matter how hard you try.

The first bullet point actually has science back up because most fast reader or fast learner use the technique of combining more emotion to the information, they’re having so that their memory about it last longer.

The second bullet point is backed up by my experience, so it might not be right for everyone, so you might have to reconsider it for sure.

Try better to trick yourself by manipulating your own emotions, not the motivation outside.

Don’t think your brain works like some motivation videos on YouTube. They’re simply giving you some outside motivation, and you might be so fired up, but it won’t last long since it isn’t the desire that originally derived from you. It’s more like fast food, which doesn’t provide you with sufficient protein in the long run.

Your emotions are the key component in achieving this desired outcome.

Give yourself time to think about the output you want and give it more emotion so that you can vividly feel it. Try to work around emotion; it’s a good tool if you learn how to make use of it.

I didn’t pay much attention to how to use it wisely, so I stuck a bit with how to maintain a good habit of thinking. I always think it’s something unreachable and that only great people possess those traits.

It took time for you to realize when the first start of your flow of unexpected emotion was and stop it right from there. But starting to reflect on the thoughts you had previously could help you become aware of them sooner.

I don’t recommend you write a journal or practice self-resilience or something, but pay more attention to the way you think. It will decide the whole future in front of you if you use your attention and emotions well.

In summary.

If you want to keep thinking something, constructing a good path about stuff then please bring more real emotion to it. If it’s not the thing you want then please don’t give a fuck about it.

