Stop Whining and Suck it Up ?

2 min readApr 6, 2016


my bad pun

Hello World,

I am sitting in my Human Computer Interaction class and typing this words. I totally agree with myself saying that I am an individual who lives by her emotion and logical brain at the same time, in the same place. Let’s ask a question: Why is the world so cruel to me? Why am I the only one who must suffer all of these? It is time that I turn my questions around by asking the ultimate question: Does it really help if I halt and get stuck in infinite loop of tormented questions that getting me nowhere?

Therefore, World, I decide to stop whining and suck it up like a grown female cyborg (I assume robots don’t have emotions at all, but hey, I decide to become half robot, a cyborg.) I’m pretty sure that I won’t die, or suffocate, or get a traumatic fever if I couldn’t be very successful in life. My heart may be broken and my light may be gone, but hey I am still functioning like a ordinary female cyborg (a cyborg with senses of a cat, great :3).

In sum, World, this is why I stop whining and suck it up. Is it for a worry-free future? I don’t think so but it’s definitely for a present when I focus on ONE TASK AT A TIME and master it.

Until next time.

